It is not unusual for Battery Capacity to drop on average at about 1% a month. So, if you purchased your phone 12 months ago, the capacity would normally be in the 88-90% range at this time. You are very lucky to have a great battery, so you should be very happy. If you want ...
But battery health loss is not linear, meaning it can remain steady for some time then start to drop. Your battery is doing what ALL batteries do and that is decline with every full cycle battery charge. Battery Health decline cannot be stopped in any way. When the day comes that the he...
I bought my phone on April 1st week, 2024. In September battery was 96% cycle count 260. Now after 1 month battery health is 90% in cycle count 300. I am using my phone everyday4-5 hours and maitaining 20-80 charging. I didn't play any kind of games in my device. My question...
Views291 Participants1 I have an iphone 15 pro, it’s only 4 months old and the battery health has dropped by 2%(98% now). I don’t let my battery drop below 25% and change only to 80%. I use an original apple charger and cable. The total battery cycle count is only 117. I ...
Another 1% drop in battery health. 15 Pro Max with 110 cycles and now 96% battery health. Ouch! 15PM here, November 2023, with 110 cycles as well and my battery health is at 99% (optimised charging on and I have been running betas since day 1)- I'd definitely make a...
Today, the first drop – at 99% with 200 cycles (iPhone 15 PM). When I see some of the significant battery degradation here with relatively few cycles, I'm curious to see if there will be an official 'Battery Gate,' as Apple promises 80% battery health after 1,000 cyc...
iPhone 15 models show the battery cycle count, and there is also a built-in setting to prevent an iPhone from charging past 80 percent to preserve battery health. 18 Tips to Make Your iPhone 15's Battery Last Longer How to Check Battery Cycle Count on iPhone 15 ...
10.1, the iPhone initiates a proximity-based AirDrop or contact transfer protocol. If you're continually triggering this, it can drain battery, so if you've got your iPhone near another iPhone and the AirDrop interface keeps popping up, you might want to turn it off...
● Press and hold the app icon until the drop-down menu appears● Select Remove App > Delete App > Delete to eliminate all such apps. Fix 3: Use UltFone System Repair The UltFone iOS System Repair is your one-stop solutione for all iPhone 15/16 errors and complications. Whether it...
7 tips if you're having battery issues 1. Be patient It's normal to experience a drop -- even quite a significant drop -- in battery life after installing an iOS update. Also:Update your iPhone and turn on Stolen Device Protection ASAP. Here's why ...