37 iPhone 14 Pro 38 iPhone 14 Pro Max 39 Notes 40 References iPhone This is the very first iPhone. It is sometimes referred to as the "iPhone 2G" due to its lack of support for 3G networks. Battery Specs: Current: 1400 mA Power: 5.18 Wh Voltage: 3.7 V Bluetooth 2.0 EDR Camera ...
The iPhone Wiki is an unofficial wiki dedicated to collecting, storing and providing information on the internals of Apple's amazingiDevices. We hope to pass this information on to the next generation of hackers so that they can go forth into their forebears' footsteps and break the ridiculous...
14.3 18C66 iPhone8,1 8.20.01 14 December 2020 iPhone_4.7_14.3_18C66_Restore.ipsw dfd7d0167a49ac3138beec24998ae5cd9355df7b 4,551,027,335 iPhoneiTunesUpdateReadMe.ipdRelease Notes Security Notes 14.4 18D52 iPhone8,1 8.40.01 26 January 2021 iPhone_4.7_14.4_18D52_Restore.ipsw b2bc246798...
The region codes are probably used to separate the same device by region (different charger, packaging language, etc.). It is not possible to see to what carrier the phone is locked (or not) by just looking at the model number, but it gives you an idea where the phone was intended to...
wiki einstein ' to search wikipedia for ' einstein .' note: to turn this feature on or off, from the home screen select the settings app > scroll to and select safari > select quick website search > quick website search switch . ...
输入站点的名称,再输入搜索词。例如,输入“wiki 爱因斯坦”以在维基百科中搜索“爱因斯坦”。 若要打开或关闭此功能,请前往“设置” >“Safari 浏览器”>“网站快速搜索”。 输入地址、执行搜索或创建新标签页时显示个人收藏 前往“设置” >“Safari 浏览器”>“个人收藏”,然后选择包含想要查看的个人收藏的文件夹...
If you're on iOS 14 or above, the app icon may not even appear on your home screen, and if it does it may be blank. To install it open the demoupdate.apple.com link, then tap install, or copy and paste the second link below and paste it into Safari. When it asks "Open this...
Mac14,7 Redirect page Jump to:navigation,search Redirect to: MacBook Pro (13-inch, M2, 2022)
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Fugu14is an incompleteuntethered jailbreakforiOS14.3 to 14.5.1. It released on24 October 2021[1]. Out of the box, it only supports arm64e devices.[2] References This software article is a"stub", an incomplete page. Please add more content to this article and remove this tag. ...