12月23日消息,外网多名Reddit用户反应自己的iPhone 14 Pro在开机的时候,屏幕上会出现多条横线,几秒钟后就消失了,目前自己无法修复。一些用户在更新了iOS16.2之后开始有这个问题,不过也有用户反应自己的手机仍处于旧版本的iOS16上,仍有这些问题。 此事件之后,有Reddit上的一位用户称,一位苹果工程师联系了他们,并在...
4、苹果14发布时间是2022年9月8日,9月16日上市发售,另外iPhone14 Plus于10月7日正式发售,苹果14比上一代更加重视隐私和安全功能新增的车祸检测功能,能够自动拨打救援电话和联系紧急联系人其中iPhone14 Pro和iPhone14 Pro。 5、2022年9月16日,iPhone 14正式开售2022年9月8日,苹果举行秋季新品发布会,正式发布了iPh...
Less light getting in on the 14 promax. Combined with the smaller pixels on the 14 even though there are more of them, when I took pictures side by side of the same thing I did not notice much difference. Occasionally the 14 seemed brighter but that was probably software post...
I have plugged in and unplugged and turned the engine off and restarted multiple times with each, and each time iPhone 15 Pro quickly launches Apple CarPlay in my 2022 Wrangler Rubicon (8.4” UConnect). This evening I have to drive a 40 mile round trip, so will put each to a longer t...
still using my 13 ProMax but considering a 16 Pro Yeah. I'm on a 13 PM and 3 years is the absolute minimum amount of time before I'd consider upgrading. More than likely it will be 4 or 5 years so an iPhone 17 or 18 unless there's a compelling feature they come u...
15对比iPhone 15 Pro,2000元差价主要体现在这四个方面iPhone 15系列已经发布了,依旧还是5999元起售的价格,其中还是四款产品,分别为:iPhone 15、iPhone 15 Plus、iPhone 15 Pro以及iPhone 15 ProMax,这四款新旗舰对应着iPhone 14系列的四款产品无论是性能还是影像等方面均是有着不小的升级,当然“挤牙膏”仍旧还是...
浏览器打开网页链接 这个添加到主页就可以了,其实我感觉这个就是安卓手机下载的火树游戏中心app,因为我的安卓手机图标 432 iphone11promax吧 墨子逆袭♀ 原来微信可以双开啦还可以控制骰子 分享27赞 iphone15pro吧 贴吧用户_5AM5CSC 原来微信是可以双开的消息防撤回了!青春呀,永远是完美的,但是真正的青春只属于这些...
same issue, 16 promax, no protector. worst area is upper left. the reddit postings are just guesswork on cause. Reply User profile for user: Matodo Matodo User level: Level 1 56 points Oct 25, 2024 11:47 PM in response to jmon71 Yes, via Apple. I still didn’t recrive the...
I have both the 15 ProMax and the 16 ProMax for a while before I return the 15PM. I took some shots of the Milky Way on both, in night mode for 30 sec exposures on a tripod. The shots on the 16PM are worse than the 15PM: fewer stars, less sharp, and smearing artifact...
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