多位网友买到残血版iPhone 14 Pro,只能使用单SIM卡 据报道,由于大量用户收到了单SIM卡槽的国行iPhone,苹果官网已推迟部分iPhone 14 Pro系列的发货时间。 iPhone 14 Pro系列支持双nano SIM卡,一张SIM卡放入托架的底部,另外一张SIM卡插入顶部的凹槽内。 但根据网友反馈,部分iPhone 14 Pro系列的双卡卡槽存在设计缺陷...
不少网友在收到心念念的iPhone 14 Pro后发现,苹果竟然装错SIM卡槽了。 原本支持双卡双待的国行iPhone,竟然内置的是单SIM卡的卡槽。 好家伙,这不会是假国行吧? 看到这消息,吓得机哥我赶紧拆开了自己的iPhone 14 Pro卡槽。 好在只是虚惊一场,机哥的卡槽没有装错,确实是双卡... 说实话,机哥已经不记得这...
不过,近期科技博主 @老爆科技表示,采用该配色 iPhone 14 Pro 的玻璃后盖可能存在一定的工艺缺陷。 @老爆科技表示,和其他 AG 磨砂后盖不同的是,苹果在 iPhone 14 Pro 的玻璃后盖上采用了陶瓷珠砂的物理工艺,涂层本身会高出玻璃一些。 从粉丝提供的图片来看,暗紫色 iPhone 14 Pro 的玻璃后盖有明显被剥落的痕迹,...
部分网友遇到iPhone 14 Pro国行只能插一张卡 从发售到现在,iPhone 14 Pro似乎遇到了不少品控问题,这次是双卡卡槽变单卡卡槽。有部分网友发现,自己购买的国行版iPhone 14 Pro无法安装第二张SIM卡,原因是配备的SIM卡槽只有一面可以安装SIM卡插槽。 似乎并非只有一位网友遇到这个问题,这个问题集中出现在发货时间为10...
No iPhone 14 and 14 Pro models sold in the U.S. have a SIM slot. They are e-SIM only. Reply of 1 Is the USA iPhone 14 Pro ESim version only?Welcome to Apple Support Community A forum where Apple customers help each other with their products. Get started with your Apple ID.Lear...
Only compatible SIM cards from a supported carrier may be used to activate iPhone. Please insert the SIM card that came with your iPhone or visit a supported carrier store.”(此 iPhone 中插入的 SIM 卡似乎不受支持。只能使用受支持的运营商提供的兼容 SIM 卡才能激活 iPhone。请插入 iPhone 附带的...
why my iphone 14 has 2 IMEI but only 1 sim slot ? hi , my iphone 14 has 2 IMEI but when i open the sim slot , its not the Dual sim type and i can put only 1 micro sim on it , when your phone is dual the slot must have a holder on the back that can put on hold the...
As per a report published on The Wall Street Journal, Apple’s upcoming iPhone 14 series may arrive in eSIM-only versions for some markets. Apple is not expected to make the full switch from physical SIM to eSIM on all its devices but rather test out if consumers would be open to an ...
Whatever iPhone 14 has the esim only will flop☠️ like the iPhone 12&13 mini in sales. Apple needs to put usb c port on they Iphone 14 models and stop delay it.😎😤 Reply j jasim 3Y1 19 Jul 2022 I thought I will go for iPone 14 Pro Max. But if they launch esim only...
Seems like iPhone 13, and 14, few differences in terms of hardware, marginally difference from last year regular iPhone, only flagship model iPhone 14 pro/max pro has the new technology, the screen which stands out from the 4 year old notched screen ...