Sometimes, it will stay black and only restart after I reset it manually using the first item in this instruction: If your iPhone won't turn on or is frozen - Apple Support Then, I must enter my passcode and the phone can be used normally again (until the problem appears again). I e...
"My iphone 14 pro max phone is locked up and frozen. I can not get it to work even after several hard resets. It is still locked up. What do I need to do? I have done 20 plus hard resets trying to get it to work and it will not do anything." --- Troubleshooting iPhone Batte...
我们猜到了开头,却没有猜到结尾。iPhone 14 的外观配置在发布会前就基本确定,但到了发布会的时候,才真正知道苹果设计能力的出众。14 Pro 和 14 Pro Max 的前置摄像头与 iOS 16 进行联动,推出“灵动岛”设计,可以显示各种通知类信息,无疑为平平无奇的外观来了一手“点睛之笔”。(iPhone全新灵动岛设计)...
如果你的 iPhone 无法开机或死机 如果你的 iPhone 屏幕死机、在你触摸后没有响应或者在开机时卡住,请了解该怎么做。 iPhone 屏幕显示黑屏或死机 iPhone 在显示 Apple 标志时卡住 如果屏幕显示黑屏或冻结 请按照适用于你设备的步骤操作。 在iPhone 8 或更新机型(包括 iPhone SE(第 2 代和第 3 代))上 按下调...
iPhone 14 Pro Max 于 2022 年 9 月 7 日发布,并在一周后的 9 月 16 日正式上市。它有一个 6.7 英寸带 全天候显示 的 ProMotion OLED 显示屏,以及新的 A16 仿生芯片。Pro Max 还配备了带有一个 4800 万像素主摄像头、一个超广角摄像头和一个长焦摄像头,具有更大光圈的 Pro 级摄像头系统。iPhone ...
iPhone 14 Pro (Russia/A2891) A2891* Apple Manual iPhone 14 Pro Max (US/A2651) A2651* Apple Manual iPhone 14 Pro Max (CA/MX/JP/SA/A2893) A2893* Apple Manual iPhone 14 Pro Max (Global/A2894) A2894* Apple Manual iPhone 14 Pro Max (China/A2896) A2896* Apple Manual iPhone 14 ...
Here are things you could do when your iPhone X or XS (Max) hangs on an unresponsive and frozen screen. It's easy to understand the freezing issue and fix that.
The phone came with a few scratches. It wasn't the biggest deal because the description said there might be a few. The biggest disappointment is that after 2 months or so, the screen is now frozen. The phone is completely worthless! I'm actually even more upset because, in the first ...
iPhone 12 Pro Max采用了类微云台结构,相比过去的镜组防抖效果要更好。传感器位移每秒进行5000次微调整,相比iPhone 11 Pro提升5倍。传感器位移使得低光拍摄性能提升87%。全新的Apple ProRaw照片可以通过单文件记录4个摄像头所拍摄的图片,以及苹果Deep Fusion的运算结果。此外在年初iPad Pro首发的LiDAR激光雷达,能大幅减...
My alarm app on my iphone 14 pro max is frozen even after restarting the phone i cant delete any alarms i cant scroll and i cant turn any offwhat can fix this ?iPhone 14 Pro Max Posted on Dec 6, 2023 3:45 AM Me too Reply ...