iPhone 14 pro max turned completely dead even with 100% battery charged. My phone just went dead & won’t respond at all ! After multiple attempts at force restart , it turned on and I found out that the battery was 100 % charged. Why did it do it ? Is it because, it was over ...
Tried forcing restart but nothing. My iPhone 14 Pro max is dead. Tried forcing restart but nothing. 1 year ago 246 1 my iPhone 13 completely dead cannot get it do anything just black screen what can i do to get me phone to work it was fine when went to bed last night when i p...
Pro其实是英文单词 professional 的缩写,中文里面被叫做“专业版;升级版”。相比标准版而言,专业版在配置和机身设计上会有所升级,从而在价格上也会更贵一些。 那iPhone14Pro Max的“Max”表示什么? Max是英文单词maximum的缩写,有“最大极限”的意思;手机...
Wear an Apple Watch to unlock the iPhone when wearing a mask. The Watch doesn't need FaceID to make Interac payments when wearing a mask.
1.8万 8 04:14 App 所以家人们,到底哪里发货才是正品? 3.0万 52 04:56 App iPhone 16 Pro Max是我第一次想要退掉的iPhone。。 7459 4 03:37 App 苹果天猫直营店和苹果官网哪个渠道购买返校季教育优惠更快?第一视角同步开箱两台ipad air5,一个学生账户在两个渠道购买两台送两个airpods 42.2万 249 04...
While the iPhone 14 Plus's specs remain up in the air, one thing is certain: it won't be the best big iPhone on launch day. That honor will go to the more expensive iPhone 14 Pro Max. Instead, the 14 Plus should serve as Apple's entry-level for folks who want a large-sized ha...
Apple iPhone 14 Pro Max 1× (6.9mm actual or 24mm eq.) camera, f/1.8 at 1/4,762 at Auto ISO 80 (LV14.2). More tech details. bigger or fit-to-screen.. A great thing always about iPhone is that it shoots wide-open even in daylight. It has and needs no lens diaphragm. Its sh...
The fact that LG would (also) be producing for next year's Max Pro was reported earlier, either on this site, OR a different one, I don't remember, but it did contribute to me pulling the trigger on upgrading from an 11 Pro Max to a 13 Pro Max over the...
💡好物描述iPhone 14 pro max 银色 512G📦开箱体验苹果的纸箱真的是越做越扁,越来越省料难怪环保指数一直上升 充电头没了,耳机也没了 刘海变成了美人大痣 确实看起
the shooting time measured on the AFHDR setup on a series of pictures. All pictures were taken at 20Lux with Tungstenilluminant, 500ms after the defocus. The edge acutance is measured on the four edges of the Dead Leaves chart, and the shooting time is measured on the LED Universal Timer...