步骤1iPhone 13 Pro Teardown Apple's new iPhone 13 lineup made its debut at the 14th September Apple Event, with four new models shown off. New models with technology upgrade always come with new repair challenges. Today we will disassemble iPhone 13 Pro to see the interior structural changes...
初步拆解表明,iPhone 13 具有较小的方形 Taptic Engine 触感引擎,且其它组件调整也只在为内部电池腾出更多的空间。 iPhone 13 mini Teardown - kaputt( via ) 此外周五的时候,iFixit 也在直播过程中完成了对 iPhone 13 / 13 Pro 机型的现场拆解。 iFixit 直播 截图 即使没有正式报告那样深入的解析,但观众们还...
近日,一名油管博主在拆解iPhone 13时发现,一旦更换手机的屏幕,系统便会弹出“无法验证此 iPhone 屏幕是正品”的通知,并且还会提示“面容ID不可用”。国外知名科技媒体iFixit认为,iPhone 13的屏幕硬件信息与软件系统进行了绑定,要想正常更换屏幕,可能需要通过苹果的官方售后。而根据苹果官网给出的信息,国行iPhone 1...
找到几组苹果 iPhone 拆机壁纸,让手机屏幕点亮时有「手机主板直接露出来」的效果,还挺酷的。 iFixit 的苹果 iPhone 拆机壁纸偏写实 iPhone 13 Pro 和 Pro Max https://www.ifixit.com/News/52903/iphone-13-pro-and-pro-max-teardown-wallpapers iPhone 13 和 iPhone 13 mini https://www.ifixit.com/News/...
[2] iPhone 13 Pro Teardown | iFixit [3] The Apple Services Machine | Above Avalon [4] Apple Tells Congress You’ll Hurt Yourself if You Try to Fix Your iPhone | vice [5] 巨头们正在慢慢剥夺你维修的权利 | 差评君 [6] 天价维修?计划报废?看完苹果发布会,谁偷走了我们的维修权?| 牛顿顿顿...
9to5mac,President Biden executive order adds to right to repair pressure on Apple、 Hugh Jeffreys :iPhone 12 Anti Repair Design - Teardown and Repair Assessmenthttps : //zh.ifixit.com/ 原标题:《苹果终于让步,以后iPhone坏了终于可以自己想办法修了!》 ...
在 iFixit 《iPhone 1st Generation Teardown》(初代 iPhone 拆解)中,iFixit 提到 07 年 3月 5 日,Micron 美光公司的 Giuseppe Vecchio 告诉记者,初代 iPhone 使用来自 Micron 制造的 COMS 图像传感器。具体型号是 MT9D112,内部代码 K15A/MI-SOC2020(MI 即 Micron Image,美光图像)。参数为 200 万像素,1/4 ...
Then a teardown is yours, no tools required. If you’re planning to show off your sweet new wallpaper on Twitter, tag us @ifixit and maybe we’ll share it around. Follow us, too—if you like! iPhone 14 Wallpaper iPhone 14 Wallpaper (True) iPhone 14 Wallpaper (Dark) iPhone 14 ...
We interrupt this teardown to bring you: more cowbell teardown! Our friends at Creative Electron have been getting their teardown on, X-ray style! We have for your enjoyment, three generations of iPhone 5 configurations. Really, the only obvious change is the addition of the bi-metal Apple...
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