The Apple EarPods are Apple's Lightning connector design to ensure excellent digital audio on your iPhone 13 Pro Max while being extremely comfortable to wear. These earphones fit snugly within the ear for premium comfort and premium sound. - Official
white screen problem iphone 13 pro max What should I do to repair white screen death issue?how much I have to pay? 1 year ago 3426 1 iphone 13 pro max display got fully white My phone started to glicth for last two months. But recent three days it has become fully white screen....
Iphone 13 pro max white screen after IOS 18.1.1 My screen has been flickering for the past three days. Now, it just flickers a bit when I'm using my phone and then it turns to a whole white screen till I lock my phone and wait a bit and then reuse it. It randomly does this ...
The specs of the iPhone 13 Pro Max's display aren't all that different than last year's model, with one notable exception - Apple is at long last catching up with the high refresh rate trend. It got started in the Android world in late 2017 with the original Razer Phone, so 4 years...
从 13 Pro Max 切回 12 Pro Max,总感觉旧手机有那么一点卡顿感(不明显),不知道是心理作用还是真的如此。 ▎功耗:违反物理定律,高刷屏竟然更省电 还是DisplayMate 的数据:50% 平均亮度下,iPhone 12 Pro Max 的功耗是 2.4W(亮度 829cd/m²),iPhone 13 Pro Max 亮度更高(854cd/m²),屏幕更大(刘海变...
Apple iPhone 13 Pro Max, white point closeup showing scatter. Note that the scatter remains quite close to the outer circle, meaning that color differences are barely noticeable. Apple iPhone 12 Pro Max, white point closeup showing scatter. The scatter heading toward blue-green becomes more and...
The iPhone 13 Pro and iPhone 13 Pro Max's five available colors are: Graphite Gold Silver Sierra Blue Alpine Green Graphite, Gold, and Silver were all available with the previous year's iPhone 12 Pro andiPhone 12 Pro Max, with Sierra Blue being the only new option...
在这篇对比页面中,我们将比较华为P50和苹果iPhone 13 Pro Max,华为P50手机的参数信息及跑分结果。两者在2022手机性能排行榜上,分别排在第21名与第3名。华为P50定位旗舰手机,发布时间是October 2021,手机搭载搭载高通 骁龙 888 4G处理器和Adreno 660图像处理器,6.5英寸
这会不会是某一个批次的屏幕模组的问题呢?本次事件,就我观察到的情况,有特定的区域特性(大部分是南亚、东南亚)、型号特性(13 Pro和Pro Max),以及社交媒体上看的时间集中性;与之前出现同样问题的设备对照,还有特定的时间间隔特性。我认为,对于苹果来说,他们定位这批产品的批次应该是有可能的。
就拿录制视频来说吧,iPhone13Pro Max后置了三颗镜头,可实现3倍光学变焦(放大),2倍光学变焦(缩小);6倍光学变焦范围,最高可达15倍数码变焦。特别是所支持的电影效果模式,在实际操作中确实发挥了不小的作用。另外,iPhone13Pro Max前置的1200万像素原深感镜头,支持口罩解锁功能,在目前情况下用着是真方便...