当iPhone 13及13 Pro Max一打开,已经可以看见两台手机的背色非常抢眼,iPhone 13以抛光亮滑的强化玻璃打造,看起来相当醒目的军绿色。比起官方相片看起来稍为暗沉,低调却又特别,而比起上代iPhone 12的浅绿色更讨人喜欢。 而iPhone 13 Pro Max苍岭绿,配上后盖的磨砂强化玻璃,实物比相片更为顺眼。当初我们还以为...
此次iPhone 13 Pro Max将长焦镜头进行升级,焦段升级到了77mm,支持3倍的光学变焦;超广角镜头支持自动对焦功能,并且光圈也由iPhone 12 Pro Max上的f/2.4提升到了f/1.8,在低光拍摄的场景下进光量提升了92%;主摄广角镜头采用iPhone迄今最大的感光元件,像素尺寸增加至1.9微米,有利于在各种光照条件下减少噪点、提高快门...
截图是这台iPhone13Pro Max的整机报告,可以看到该机是128GB 远峰蓝,今年6月份激活的,还有200多天保修,但由于该机是美版,无法在国内享受保修。激活锁关闭,无隐藏ID。无网络锁/运营商、零售机、购买地美国(美版)、单卡等等。 美版无锁机和国行无锁机用起来是一样的,但国行多了双卡和保修价格稍贵。美版无保修...
本身iPhone 13 Pro Max的重量还是比较重的,但是在整机黄金的包裹下,感觉手里握着的不是手机,而是奢华和财富! 这款手机是基于iPhone 13 Pro Max进行定制,采用了115克的24K纯金打造,全机身雕刻精细的祥云太阳纹,并且在背部印上了“ADINZOO”的logo。此外背部哑光的黄金质感跟摄像头出亮面黄金质感的碰撞,让镜头亮面...
Apple iPhone 15 Pro Max official images International model USA model with mmWave antenna window on the side Apple iPhone 15 Pro Max 3D model Black Titanium White Titanium Blue Titanium Natural Titanium Apple iPhone 15 Pro Max - our photos Apple iPhone 15 Pro Max vs. Apple iPhone 14 Pro ...
I bought the 13 Pro Max and I'm happy, although the changes are small, in the camera I notice maybe a little better dynamic range and better definition, but very slight improvements. I can see that, why I am keeping my 13 PM now. Then again...
Testing out the macro function of the iPhone 13 Pro Max with this bee on a lavender plant in my backyard. Many attempts went into this as the wind made it difficult to focus in, this function is actually better than I thought it would be. React...
Get Apple iPhone 13 Pro Max support for the topic: Take a Picture or Video. Find more step-by-step device tutorials on att.com.
iOS 13, up to iOS 18.2 64GB/256GB/512GB storage, no card slot 28% 18,564,141 hits 921 Become a fan 6.5" 1242x2688 pixels 12MP 2160p 4GB RAM Apple A13 Bionic 3969mAh PD2.05WReview 360° view Compare Opinions SpecificationsApple iPhone 11 Pro Max official images Apple iPhone 11 ...
its latest hardware and software innovations into the Pro Max. The iPhone 13 Pro Max also looked particularly promising for videographers, thanks to its all-new camera and display capabilities. So come and check out what the latest iteration has to offer in our Apple iPhone 13 Pro Max ...