1??设备信息 旧手机:iPhone 13 256G 新手机:iPhone 14 Pro 256G 传输数据大小:200G左右 新旧手机系统:均已升级至iOS 16.0.2 2??传输方法 方式1:无线传输 以前更换手机均采用此方式,这次传输一直卡在“正在准备传输”。 (确认网络、蓝牙、电源、数据线均正常无误) 方式2:有线传输 按照网上测评,从官方店...
Asked 13 years, 8 months ago Modified 13 years, 8 months ago Viewed 2k times 2 I have just had my iPhone replaced under warranty, and when restoring it from backup much of my preexisting free space vanished. What I've found, after some shell hacking, is that I appear to have dupli...