顺带一提,小米提供的通信方案还不仅仅是“支持 eSIM”,它还支持双 nano SIM 的方案,比直接砍掉实体卡槽的 iPhone 要厚道一些。 需要注意的是,小米 12T 系列中仅有 12T Pro 支持 eSIM,12T 这款标准版则没有进行支持,如果有打算体验 eSIM 的朋友可别选错型号了。
10:48AM "Third -- the iPhone 4 is powered by the A4 chip. This was designed by our own team. This is wonderful to have in the iPhone. You take the back off -- first thing you notice is that the iPhone 4 is packed to the gills. There's the A4 right there... micro SIM -- ...