access messages app settings 1. from the home screen, select the settings app . scroll to and select apps . 2. scroll to and select messages . adjust message settings as desired. note: available options vary when imessage is turned off. adjust notifications from...
access messages app settings 1. from the home screen, select the settings app . scroll to and select apps . 2. scroll to and select messages . adjust message settings as desired. note: available options vary when imessage is turned off. adjust notifications from...
使用iMessage 信息 App 拍摄和编辑照片或视频 共享照片和链接等 发送贴纸 创建和发送拟我表情 通过点回进行回应 为信息添加样式和动画效果 绘制和手写信息 发送和存储 GIF 收发音频信息 共享你的位置 打开或关闭已读回执 更改通知 屏蔽、过滤和报告信息 删除信息和附件 恢复删除的信息 音乐...
使用iMessage 信息 App 使用拟我表情 发送录制的音频信息 发送数码点触效果 更改通知 阻止、过滤和报告信息 删除信息 恢复删除的信息 照片 查看照片 播放视频和幻灯片 删除或隐藏照片及视频 编辑照片和视频 修剪视频长度和调整慢动作 编辑“电影效果”模式视频 ...
3.更改IMAP路径前缀:找到“IMAP路径前缀“下”INCOMNIG SETTINGS”>键入“INBOX以大写字母开头。 之后,您只需点击“返回帐户”>选择“完成”,然后返回主屏幕并重新启动邮件应用程序,以查看问题是否已解决。 修复5。 在iPhone / iPad上再次删除并添加电子邮件帐户 ...
The steps in this section were performed on an iPhone 13 in the iOS 15.4.1 operating system. This has been the way to sign out of your Apple ID on an iPhone for a couple recent versions of iOS. Step 1: Open theSettingsapp on your iPhone. ...
Method 6: Check the Message History Setting On your iPhone Settings - Message Settings, check if your "Message History" is set to "Forever."If you have this setting on "30 days" or "1 year," your messages might be automatically deleted from your iPhone. Method 7: Reactive iMessage and...
A number of years ago, I set up a custom voicemail greeting on my iPhone and I now want to change it back to the default one (the one that says something along the lines of "I'm sorry, but the number you have called is unavailable. Please leave a message"). I have selected the...
Settings app on your Apple®iPhone®. Navigate: Apps Messages . Tap the Send as Text Message switch to turn on or off. When enabled and iMessage®is unavailable, messages are sent as SMS. To determine the message type, refer toApple messaging service. ...
particularly when a message pops up requesting you to update your Apple ID settings on your iPhone, iPad, or Mac. This prompt, while often straightforward, can be a source of confusion and concern for many users. Why does this message appear, and what does updating your Apple ID settin...