1 以 HTC 手机为例,打开“Menu”->“设置”,点击“账户与同步”,如下图所示:2 点击“添加账户”->“Exchange ActiveSync”,如下图所示:3 输入163邮箱账号(需带域名后缀@163.com)、密码,点击“手动设置”,填写“服务器地址”,点击“下一步”,如下图所示:4 勾选需要同步的项目:“邮件”、“联系...
Use Find My 1. From the home screen, navigate to and select the Find My app. 2. SelectContinue. 3. Select theDevices tab, then select the desirediOS device. 4. The device's location will bedisplayed. Swipeupfrom thebottom menuto view expanded options then select the desiredoption: •...
2 点进去WiFi,把DNS设置成如图所示 3 然后退出来,点击下面的蓝字“Activation Help”(激活帮助),骚等片刻;4 恭喜你,你已经成功连接上了一个破解iCloud验证的服务器!作者催着你快点怀着鸡冻的心情点击右上方的“Menu”(菜单)键 5 见证奇迹的时候到了!你手上这部有ID锁的iPhone成功变成了诺基亚功能机!可以...
了解屏幕顶部的状态图标和符号的含义。 状态图标显示位置 状态图标显示在 iPhone 的状态栏中: 配备面容 ID 的 iPhone 机型 配备触控 ID 的 iPhone 机型 如果你没有看到某个图标,请从屏幕右上角向下轻扫以查看“控制中心”。 关于iPhone 上的状态图标 要了解图标的含义,请在下方查找。 你的运营商的 5G 网络可用...
Step 1:To factory reset your phone, start by launching the 'Settings' app. Then from the menu list, locate and select the 'General' option. Scroll down in the ‘General’ tab and click on 'Transfer or Reset iPhone.' Step 2:A new screen will show up from where you have to select ...
要停止镜像你的 iPhone 或 iPad,请打开“控制中心”,轻点“屏幕镜像”,然后轻点“停止镜像”。或者按下 Apple TV Remote 上的“MENU”(菜单)按钮。 某些视频 App 可能不支持“隔空播放”。如果你无法将“隔空播放”与某个视频 App 搭配使用,请查看 Apple TV 上的 App Store 中有没有提供这个 App。
For example if you hold down the Notes icon, a Quick Actions menu will pop up that gives you shortcuts to draft a new note, create a new checklist, insert a new photo,or scan a document. Here's what it looks like: Quick Actions menu for Notes app on iPhone 13 Pro. ...
Choose Apple menu > System Preferences. Click Security & Privacy, then click the Privacy tab. If the padlock in the lower left is locked, click it, then enter the name and password of the administrator. Select Location Services. Select the Enable Location Services checkbox, and make sure tha...
MacBook Pro(13 英寸,2019 年,4 个 TBT3) MacBook Pro(15 英寸,2017 年) MacBook Pro(15 英寸,2018 年) MacBook Pro(15 英寸,2019 年) MacBook Pro(视网膜显示屏,15 英寸,2015 年中) MacBook(视网膜显示屏,12 英寸,2017 年) Mac 台式电脑 ...
The ProMotion display mostly works well, but I noticed some hiccups in apps like Spotify, where some menu options appeared to rise slightly slower from the bottom of the screen instead of appearing instantaneously. Most people might not even notice that. And GIFs in a chat app I used played...