你可以在另一台设备上使用“查找”App 或在iCloud.com/find上远程抹掉你的设备。 如果你的设备运行的是 iOS 15 或更高版本,或者是 iPadOS 15 或更高版本,那么在抹掉设备后,你仍然可以使用“查找”或iCloud.com/find来定位设备。 如果你通过含失窃和遗失保障的 AppleCare+ 服务计划提出了服务请求,那么即使你远...
使用“查找”App 或 iCloud.com/find 帮助定位丢失的 iPhone、iPad、Apple Watch或Mac。如果你找不到设备或认为设备可能被偷,你可以锁定它以保护自己的信息。 查找你的 iPhone AirPods “查找”App 可在地图上显示你的 AirPods,并播放声音来帮你找到它们。当遗失的 AirPods 就在附近时,“查找”功能还能协助你找到...
Get Apple iPhone 13 support for the topic: Find My iPhone. Find more step-by-step device tutorials on att.com.
■ 廣泛的兼容性:FindMy 支持多種蘋果設備,從 AirPods 和 iPhone 到 iPad 和 Apple Watch,確保全面跟蹤您的蘋果生態系統。 ■ 精確定位:它提供精確的位置詳情,幫助用戶輕鬆找到他們丟失的設備。 ■ 遺失模式:對於真正遺失的設備,可以啟用“遺失模式”,鎖定設備並顯示自定義消息以幫助尋回。
Get Apple iPhone 13 mini support for the topic: Find My iPhone. Find more step-by-step device tutorials on att.com.
设备拥有者(owner)通过 Find My app 把 外设(accessory )设为拥有者设备(owner device)外设透过查...
Finally, Apple transmits the encrypted location of the lost device down to Find My user devices, which decrypt the information using the stored private key. Describing the feature, Apple VPCraig Federighisaid, "Now what's amazing is that this whole interaction is end-to-end encrypted and anony...
"how to find my iphone find my device not working please everyone suggest me i'm in big problem: My iphone is lost i trying to find but never find. Find my device is disable please help me" --- Troubleshooting a Lost iPhone With Find My: Being Find My is of No Option.....
Step 1: If you have any other Apple device that is logged in with the same Apple ID as the iPhone 13, you can launch Find My on that device. Else, you can visithttps://icloud.comand log into the same iCloud account/ Apple ID as the locked iPhone 13. ...
请问如果有6位密码,开了find my device,ipad(ios14+)丢了有必要抹除设备吗,设备里有个人信息 2023-11-12· 美国 回复喜欢 Lemon 太阳是颗黄矮星 真的非常感谢!!! 2023-12-03· 美国 回复喜欢 Lemon 太阳是颗黄矮星 请问通常钓鱼网站会以什么形式出现呢,短信还是邮件?现在好害怕被破解 2023-...