Go toSettings>Battery>Battery Health & Charging. If the Maximum Capacity is below 80%, it might be time for a replacement. Fixing iPhone Battery Problems: DIY or Professional Repair? The solutions vary depending on the issue and the model of your iPhone. Here’s a breakdown of options for...
Iphone13battery Said: "iPhone 13 battery issues: hi recently I updated ios 17 on my 13. After that battery discharges fastly. Please help me out how to fix this issue" --- Troubleshooting a Draining iPhone Battery: A. Battery Drain Info: The iPhone battery will drain, unless it is plugg...
I have a 2 year old Iphone 13 Pro Max, never had problems with it. It was on 50% battery and I put it on the wireless charger and it shot up to 99%. I'm worried about it now because with my old Iphone 5 (lol I know) that's how the battery problems started (from 3% to 1...
Iphone users complain about battery problems 苹果手机用户抱怨电池问题2016-12-01 21:08:08 看看新闻Knews综合关键词: Iphone苹果手机users用户battery电池problems问题Shanghai Live上海国际频道全部评论 请先登录后发表评论 暂无评论,快来发表你的评论吧
as a first step, update the guilty app for which your iPhone battery draining quickly. If the app still causes problems, you can eventually remove it. You can always re-download these apps at a later date if you find that these apps are not responsible for why your iPhone battery drains...
Advertised battery life and battery life in practice often vary wildly. Just because the specs page on your brand new iPhone 13 Pro Max boasts up to 95 hours of audio playback, doesn’t mean you'll get four whole days of use on a single charge. These numbers are acquired in precisely ...
“Service” message is normally an indication that thebattery is degraded and needs to be replaced. The message still shows up when you put in a brand new battery, however. Here’s the bigger problem: our lab tests confirmed that even when you swap in a genuine Apple battery, the phone ...
One of the most crippling problems you could ever face on an iPhone is the No Service issue. This is so because a No Service issue means that the iPhone is not connected to your chosen cellular/ mobile network. Learn why this happens and how to fix your
Software glitches can be explicitly imbalanced and raise different problems, even if they do not have a material presence.As you check, your iPhone has considerable space, and iTunes is still showing the iPhone Error 1110; the problem lies in iTunes instead of the device. Thus, it is best...
Since the phone was introduced, it has faced numerous reports of poor battery life. Apple has tried to remedy the situation and has, for the most part, done a great job. There are, however, instances in which iPhone X users are still reporting problems such as poor battery life as well...