At first glance, the 3x optical zoom performance of the OnePlus 12 sounds like less than the 5x offered by the iPhone 16 Pro Max. However, that large sensor size allows OnePlus to take advantage of sensor crop, delivering a credible 6x zoom without a noticeable loss in quality. The OnePlus...
据外媒爆料,iPhone 16 Pro和iPhone16 Pro Max的屏幕尺寸,将由iPhone15Pro系列的6.1和6.7英寸,增大至6.3英寸和6.9英寸。屏幕变大意味着整体尺寸和重量的增加,iPhone16Pro的尺寸为149.6x71.45x8.25mm(15Pro-146.6x70.6x8.25mm),重量194g(15Pro-187g);iPhone16ProMax的尺寸为163x77.58x8.25mm...
据外媒爆料,iPhone 16 Pro和iPhone16 Pro Max的屏幕尺寸,将由iPhone15Pro系列的6.1和6.7英寸,增大至6.3英寸和6.9英寸。 屏幕变大意味着整体尺寸和重量的增加,iPhone16Pro的尺寸为149.6x71.45x8.25mm(15Pro-146.6x70.6x8.25mm),重量194g(15Pro-187g);iPhone16ProMax的尺寸为163x77.58x8.25mm(15ProMax-159.9x76.7...
iPhone 16 Pro 的實際大小 屏幕尺寸:6.27吋 (159.26mm) 解析度:2622 x 1206 深度:8.25mm (0.32吋) 高度:149.6mm (5.89吋) 重量:199g (7.02盎司) 寬度:71.5mm (2.81吋) 全螢幕拖曳視窗嵌入網頁
iPhone16全系屏幕尺寸曝光:每款一个Size,Pro和小米14差不多 目前市面上最受欢迎的机型中,主打“小屏旗舰”、上市10天销量达到144.74万台的小米14,可以算得上一款。凭借小米14的热销,小米在11月份成为了国内销量第一的国产手机品牌。 小米14是小米“向苹果学习”的重要成果,6.36英寸的屏幕,在屏幕尺寸普遍在6.7英寸...
12 Mini/12/12 Pro/12 Max 13 Mini/13/13 Pro/13 Max 14/14 Plus/14 Pro/14 Max 15/15 Plus/15 Pro/15 Max2.169 : 20 iPhone 16/16 Plus/16 Pro/16 Pro Max2.179 : 20 从以上的信息可以看出开发中用来判断是不是刘海屏的方法: BOOL is_bangs_phone=((UIScreen.mainScreen.bounds.size.height/...
iPhone 12 Pro 的實際大小 屏幕尺寸:6.1吋 (154.94mm) 解析度:1170 x 2532 深度:7.4mm (0.29吋) 高度:146.7mm (5.78吋) 重量:189g (6.67盎司) 寬度:71.5mm (2.81吋) 全螢幕拖曳視窗嵌入網頁
据外媒爆料,iPhone 16 Pro和iPhone16 Pro Max的屏幕尺寸,将由iPhone15Pro系列的6.1和6.7英寸,增大至6.3英寸和6.9英寸。 屏幕变大意味着整体尺寸和重量的增加,iPhone16Pro的尺寸为149.6x71.45x8.25mm(15Pro-146.6x70.6x8.25mm),重量194g(15Pro-187g);iPhone16ProMax的尺寸为163x77.58x8.25mm(15ProMax-159.9x76.7...
Someone made a transparent iPhone 16 Pro, and it looks phenomenal Apple may not exactly play it adventurous with design, but if you've ever dreamed of a transparent shell iPhone, know that it's real. But it's not a cakewalk. Nadeem Sarwar October 10, 2024 I created the perfect iOS...
George 12 October 2024 Apple iOS Versus Featured The 2024 iPhone lineup poses some of the usual challenges in picking the right model for yourself. One of the more obvious dilemmas is between the vanilla iPhone 16 and the small-size Pro version. Sure, the iPhone 16 Pro is a more capable...