1、重新启动 iPhone。2、检查是否有运营商设置更新。3、将 iPhone 更新到最新版本的 iOS。4、确保您的语音信箱已设置。您可用 iPhone 拨打自己的电话号码进行检查。5、确保蜂窝移动网络连接正常。您可尝试往外拨打电话来进行检查。6、用另一部电话拨打您的 iPhone 并尝试给自己语音留言。7、轻按“设置...
To start the conversation again, simply ask a new question.User profile for user: 2-4-3-7 2-4-3-7 Author User level: Level 1 8 points voice mail set-up for iPhone 12 I have a new iPhone 12. Good for me. Can't figure out how to set up voicemail. I'm told go to "the ...
Similar questions how to setup voice mail on iphone 14 How do i setup voice mail on iphone 14 2 years ago 221 1 set up voice mail set up voice mail on new iphone 12 3 years ago 206 1 How to set up voice mail Tell me how to set up voice mail on iPhone 7 5 years ago...
最近,iOS 12.2 版本更新,带来了不少新功能。其中,中国联通的 iPhone 用户可以使用语音邮箱服务。用户只需在微信公众号上注册并激活该服务,激活后将通过短信通知用户,然后可以在「电话」应用中的「语音留言」标签页查看留言。设置个性化应答语也变得十分简单,只需轻触进入即可。语音留言功能在 iOS 12...
采纳率:44% 等级:12 已帮助:6106人 私信TA向TA提问满意答案 iPhone 语音信箱是指 iPhone 上的语音留言系统,允许用户手机接听号码时录下语音,以便其他用户能够在拨号察稿时将此败笑孝语音回升型放出来。一般常用来对未接听电话的用户留言,也可用于商业活动中的宣传。 00分享举报您...
Step 1. Open the Voice Memos app on your iPhone. Step 2. Select a memo, tap the three dots, and choose the Share option. Step 3. Select Mail from the sharing menu. Step 4. Enter your email address in the To field and tap Send. Step 5. Access your email on your computer to ...
com.apple.mobilemail 语音备忘录 com.apple.VoiceMemos 照片 com.apple.mobileslideshow 指南针 com.apple.compass App Store com.apple.AppStore Apple Store 商店 com.apple.store.Jolly Developer developer.apple.wwdc-Release FaceTime 通话 com.apple.facetime ...
11-28-2023 12:11 PM I had this issue for all IOS 17 users, Telus needs to fix this between the new update live voice and their voice mail to work at the same time. 0 Kudos Reply Nighthawk Community Power User In response to jtabirao 11-28-2023 04:28 PM The way the...
When resetting/changing this password, turn off ALL devices (including mobile phones) that connect to your Unified Messaging voicemail account or ensure all email clients are not running (e.g., Outlook, Android Mail, iOS Mail, Mac Mail, etc.). After you've changed your voicemail password, ...
PAGE PAGE 1 iOS 12.2 隐藏功能 中国联通 iPhone Visual Voice Mail 语音信箱详解 前段时间,iOS 推送了 12.2 更新,不仅中国电信可以正常使用 VoLTE 功能,同时中国联通也加入了语音邮箱功能。 注册与激活 直接前往中国联通的微信公众号登陆激活即可,目前激活时可免费使用 3 个月,无需支付。激活后将会收到短信通知,...