Looking at the dimensions, the iPhone 12 Pro Max has a larger footprint than the iPhone 15 Pro Max, at 6.33 inches tall by 3.07 inches wide versus 6.29 inches by 3.02 inches. Apple did say that it had worked on shrinking the chassis of the iPhone 15 Pro Max without cutting ...
I'm also doing this exact leap. 12 Pro Max ==> 15 Pro Max... I waited a bit to order so I don't have the 15 yet, should be here in a week or so... I really had a hard time pulling the trigger this time... because the truth is that the 12 does everything ...
此外,还有用户反馈,iphone 15 pro和pro max出现了烧屏现象,尤其是在刚开机时。目前尚无法确定是系统算法导致图像残影,还是真正的屏幕烧屏问题。 扬声器异响与摄像头进灰 据reddit社区多位用户反馈,iphone 15系列在音量较高的状态下,扬声器会出现劈里啪啦的异响,听起来像进水一样。这一问题在多位用户的iphone 15 pro...
In our iPhone 15 Pro Max review, we go hands-on with Apple’s latest high-end mobile device that ditches the lightning port for USB-C.
苹果iPhone 15 / Pro 系列机型固然改用 USB-C 端口,但并不意味着可以随便拿根数据线就能充电,可能会带来不好的结果。 网友NoisilyMarvellous 在 Reddit 社区发帖,分享了一张图片,展示一台 iPhone 15 Pro Max 手机 USB-C 端口烧熔情况。 他使用的是购买自亚马逊的旅行适配器和较长 USB-C 电缆,在给 iPhone 15...
事实上,Reddit 上的几位用户声称,除了价格实惠之外,Home 键是他们购买 iPhone SE 的关键原因。然而,有传言称,随着即将发布的iPhone SE 4,苹果将为 Home 键画上句号。正因如此,一些用户对这种传统的设备导航方式产生了怀旧的情绪。以下是他们对于告别所说的话。
测试场景为电梯、楼道、地下室、停车场、公共卫生间等地。测试结果:电梯间 iPhone 12 Pro Max 信号...
iPhone 15 Pro (left) and iPhone 15 Pro Max (right) Both pro versions of iPhone 15 can record footage at up to 4K 60Hz ProRes but also Log that can be color corrected more accurately in post. Thanks to the USB-C port, you no longer need to rely on your internal storage. You...
Overall, the iPhone 15 Pro Max has held up well, and if you have one (or a Pro), there's no real need to upgrade to the iPhone 16 models. The A17 Pro in the iPhone 15 Pro is incredibly fast and there's no way most people are even reaching the limits of its capabilities at th...
The entirety of Apple's iPhone 12 line is finally out. We've spent the day testing the new iPhone 12 Pro Max and wanted to go over some of its best new features and how they play out in the real world.