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iPhone 12 Pro Max 的镜头不会如前代一样明显存在于玻璃上方,但整个模组总体而言较前代稍凸出,外观和 iPad Pro 2020 十分相似。 屏幕与边框 变化最明显是“刘海”部分。 EAP 表示,苹果测试了两种“刘海”方案:第一种是“刘海”长度与 iPhone 11 Pro Max 一致,但边缘曲率有所不同;而第二种则是既缩短了“刘...
接着是另一个极端,6.7 英寸的 iPhone 12 Pro Max。 在我们体验了一段时间的 iPhone 12 mini 后,再上手 iPhone 12 Pro Max 最大的感受,就是那种压手的感觉回来了,原来这才是今年旗舰手机该有的份量。 重新采用了直角边框设计的 iPhone 12 Pro Max 是有史以来最大的 iPhone,它的屏幕达到了 6.7 英寸,比 ...
iPhone 12 Pro Max native Camera app, 1.5mm (0.5× or 13mm-equivalent) ultra-wide camera at f/2.4 at 1/841 at Auto ISO 25 (LV 14.2), Perfectly Clear. bigger.Point-and-shoot, and the iPhone just nails it — no fiddling or looking at a playback required!Ryan...
Apple iPhone 15 Pro Max official images International model USA model with mmWave antenna window on the side Apple iPhone 15 Pro Max 3D model Black Titanium White Titanium Blue Titanium Natural Titanium Apple iPhone 15 Pro Max - our photos Apple iPhone 15 Pro Max vs. Apple iPhone 14 Pro ...
Some astrophotography with rye 12 pro max. Night mode for 30” and nightcap app for 4 minutes guided on the Skywatcher Star Adventurer for tracking. The nightcap app allows for continuous shooting / exposure for as long as you want, perfect for star trails. The fist two here were with Nigh...
Apple's iPhone 12 Pro Max has the most advanced camera technology in the iPhone lineup, but how does it match up to flagship smartphones from...
iPhone 12 Pro Max take double pictures When I take pictures at night from a far distance my camera seems to take a double picture of the object I’m photographing. This has been happening for awhile now. I previously had a camera lens cover over my phone but I removed it and still ...
iPhone 12 Pro 6.1英寸屏幕,$999起售 iPhone 12 Pro Max 6.7英寸屏幕,$1099起售 内存:128G/256G/512G 颜色:金银黑蓝 4个 不过,这次新品发布之后,网络上出现了很多吐槽贴。槽点一:5G 并不快,还会耗尽电量!这次新品发布的最大特色就是全线5G,苹果还邀请了美国最大的网络运营商Verizon Wireless的...
Apple today shared a gallery of photos shot by customers using the iPhone 12 mini, iPhone 12, iPhone 12 Pro, and iPhone 12 Pro Max, with scenes...