iPhone 12 iPhone 12 Pro iPhone 12 Pro Max iPhone 13 mini iPhone 13 iPhone 13 Pro iPhone 13 Pro Max iPhone SE(第 3 代) iPhone 14 iPhone 14 Plus iPhone 14 Pro iPhone 14 Pro Max iPhone 15 iPhone 15 Plus iPhone 15 Pro iPhone 15 Pro Max iPhone 16 iPhone 16 ...
30 265 152 204 40 50 41 50 80 40 161 30 51 81 50 81 83 20 60 60 50 80 50 40 194 90 50 80 124 40 156 143 40 20 30 60 111 80 111 104 60 31 60 133 81 30 50 110 30 40 50 90 50 110 120 20 40 102 73 60
As a result of its larger display size and Aspect Ratio, the iPhone 12 Pro Max has a 2.8K High Resolution Full HD+ display with 2778x1284 pixels and 458 pixels per inch, with 3.6 Mega Pixels, 72% more than an HDTV. The display has Diamond Sub-Pixels (see below) and Sub-Pixel ...
iPhone 12 Pro Max native Camera app, 5.1mm (1× or 26mm-equivalent) main camera at f/1.6 at 1/30 at Auto ISO 500 (LV 3.9), perspective correction in Photoshop CS6, Perfectly Clear. bigger or full-resolution.I shot this hand-held, and my iPhone 12 Pro Max just grabbed a photo th...
大手子们,去年为了体验高刷,入了S20+,出掉了xs max。三星平时用着还可以,高刷确实爽,不过还是觉得安卓花里胡哨的不实用,不如ios用着舒服,有必要换12promax嘛?纠结死了,吧里有三星或其他安卓换回苹果的嘛?还请支个招。 送TA礼物 来自Android客户端1楼2021-03-31 22:01回复 ...
Apple iPhone 12 Pro Max smartphone. Announced Oct 2020. Features 6.7″ display, Apple A14 Bionic chipset, 3687 mAh battery, 512 GB storage, 6 GB RAM, Ceramic Shield glass.
A device’s overall Video score is derived from its performance and results across a range of attributes in the same way as the Photo score. We tested the iPhone 12 Pro Max video mode at 4Kresolution, 30 frame per seconds and HDR mode (Dolby Vision 8.4), which achieved the best results...
The improved camera hardware Apple introduced with iPhone Series 12 turned out to be exclusive to the iPhone 12 Pro Max. We've talked about that through...
As in the color attribute, the Apple iPhone 12 Pro Max displays a strong yellow cast when playing video content, which is also visible in the 11 Pro Max image next to it in the illustration below. The yellow cast is also visible in skin tones, which you can see in the first photo in...
Photo resolution in iPhone cut in half after being sync'ed to iCloud Some of the photos in my iPhone 12 Pro Max became half of their original resolutions and sizes after being sync'ed to iCloud. Any way to keep the original resolutions? 1 year ago 351 2 change the resolution of my...