这完全符合黑机的标准。更糟糕的是,运营商显示为“Blacklist/Chimaera Device Policy”,这意味着这台手机被苹果拉黑了。如果进行刷机、升级或抹除等操作,手机将无法激活,最终只能作为配件出售。尽管iPhone15 Pro Max上市时间不长,但市面上已经出现了许多翻新机、问题机和扩容机。大家在购买时一定要认真验机,谨慎购买...
Sonita_S Author User level: Level 1 5 points How to blacklist stolen IPhone with IMEE if device already removed from your iCloud? My iPhone 12 Pro Max was robbed while I was on call. I just noticed that Find my IPhone was turn off Find due to I changed iCloud just a day before ...
So some backstory, I bought an iPhone 14 Pro Max from someone on offer up (first mistake).At first I was able to transfer my esim from my iPhone 13 to the 14. After a week I transfer the esim back to the 13 and stopped using the 14 for a a while until recently when I tried t...
比如这位商家在某批发城拿了一批iPhone15Pro Max,其他iPhone都是正常的,唯一这台iPhone无法激活。同时提示这台iPhone有问题。从整机报告(如图)可以看到这台iPhone序列号无效、无保修激活日期、运营商为:Blacklist/ChimaeraDevice Policy(这是被苹果拉黑的提示)。如果一台iPhone被苹果拉黑,那么将无法使用,最后只能当配件...
求助,这种情况怎么办..这个可以查起验机报告,如果运营商显示是IPHONE 15 PRO MAX BLUE 512GB-USAIMEI: 358Serial Number: CLWarranty Status: Limite
首次见!iPhone15Pro Max被苹果拉黑!被拉黑的机器如果有升级、刷机、抹除等操作,将无法再次激活,且无破解办法,所以被拉黑的机器不能买。一般被拉黑的机器是黑机或演示机。从整机报告(如图)可以看到这台iPhone15Pro Max是 - 验机助手于20231029发布在抖音,已经收获了3
运营商状态:如果设备的运营商状态显示为Blacklist/Chimaera Device Policy,即被拉黑的标志,那么这台设备很可能是黑机。被苹果拉黑的机器在抹除、刷机或升级后将无法激活,且无法破解。二、判断结果 基于以上依据,若某台iPhone 15 Pro Max出现上述特征中的一项或多项,那么可以合理怀疑该设备是黑机。然而,需要...
状态: 完成结果详情:Model: Apple IPhone 13 (A2482)Model Name: IPhone 13 (A2482)Manufacturer: Apple IncBlacklist Status: Blacklisted提交时间: 2023-06-14 17:42:21更新时间: 2023-06-14 17:42:24 来自iPhone客户端13楼2023-07-31 11:41 收起回复 ...
该机基本数据正常,但国行iPhone都是没有网络锁和运营商的。这台iPhone15Pro Max却显示有运营商和网络锁。其实这并不是具体的运营商,而是被苹果拉黑的提示。如果运营商一栏出现:Blacklist/Chimaera Device Policy,那么这台机器就是被苹果拉黑的。即便再便宜,也不能买,隐患极大。
Can I get my iPhone 12 Pro Max off the blacklist if I’m not the original owner and have bought it online I’ve just called the carrier that the iPhone is connected to and they just said that I have to contact the person who had the iPhone before me. Which I have no idea who ...