iPhone 16e will be available in two optional colors of matte finishes--black and white, in 128GB, 256GB, and 512GB storage capacities. iPhone 16e will start at $599, 40% cheaper than iPhone 16 Pro. Pre-orders begin Friday, February 21, with availability beginning a week later, February...
有常规的 iPhone 16s,我称之为常规款,还有 iPhone 16 Pro。There's the iPhone 16 with a 6.1-inch screen, and then there's the iPhone 16 Plus with a 6.7-inch screen, and that's really the only difference between the two of them.iPhone 16 配备 6.1 英寸屏幕,而 iPhone 16 Plus 则...
The iPhone 12 and 12 Pro will be available for pre-order on Oct. 16 and in store on Oct. 23. The iPhone 12 mini and 12 Pro Max will be available for pre-order on Nov. 6 and in store on Nov. 13.The iPhone 12 comes in five colors — black, white, red, green and blue — a...
- (UIColor *)initWithDisplayP3Red:(CGFloat)displayP3Red green:(CGFloat)green blue:(CGFloat)blue alpha:(CGFloat)alpha NS_AVAILABLE_IOS(10_0); 8.iOS 10 UITextContentType // The textContentType property is to provide the keyboard with extra information about the semantic intent of the text...
iPhone 16e will be available in two optional colors of matte finishes--black and white, in 128GB, 256GB, and 512GB storage capacities. iPhone 16e will start at $599, 40% cheaper than iPhone 16 Pro. Pre-orders begin Friday, February 21, with availability beginning a week later, February...
The iPhone 12 comes in five colors: black, blue, green, red, and white. iPhone 12有五种颜色:黑色,蓝色,绿色,红色和白色。 当然啦,被网友们吐槽的iPhone12也有很多亮点的,至少对于爱玩游戏的小伙伴们,有点心动的感觉了呢~ League of Legends: Wild Rift will soon be available on iOS, Apple revealed...
功能,没有变化,性能,没有提升,有的只是全新的配色,不过比起去年只为12和12mini推出紫色配色方案不同,这次可是给全系机型(包括13Pro 以及13ProMax)都提供了绿色的配色,当然,这也算是一种升级吧。 That’s right — much like the well-received purple iPhone 12 from last spring’s announcement, Apple is ...
原文:Apple has unveiled the iPhone 11, a cheaper model that comes in new colors and starts at $699. The iPhone 11 Pro and Pro Max are higher-end models that boast three cameras on the back and advanced video tools, and start at $999 and $1,099, respectively. ...
此外,它们还将配备“灵动岛”工具——警报、通知和其他控件的主页,以取代凹槽,这在以前只有iPhone 14 Pro才有。 The iPhone 15 comes in 5 colors (white, black, pink, green and yellow) and in two sizes: A 6.1-inch screen for the iPhone 15 and 6.7 inches for iPhone 15 Pro. ...
Apple also unveiled the new iMac supercharged by Apple Intelligence and available in fresh colorsy. With the M4 chip, iMac is up to 1.7 times faster for daily productivity, and up to 2.1 times faster for demanding workflows like photo editing and gaming, compared to iMac with M1.The new iM...