如何重新启动 iPhone X、iPhone 11、iPhone 12、iPhone 13 或更新机型 同时按住任一音量按钮和侧边按钮,直到出现关机滑块。 拖移这个滑块,然后等待 30 秒以便设备关机。如果设备死机或没有响应,请强制重新启动设备。 要将设备重新开机,请按住侧边按钮(在 iPhone 的右侧),直到看到 Apple 标志。
使用Apple菜单强制重启 (Using the Apple Menu to Force Restart) 如果你的Mac仍然可以响应,但出现了一些问题,可以通过Apple菜单进行重启: 点击屏幕左上角的苹果图标。 选择“重新启动”:在下拉菜单中选择“重新启动”,然后确认。 强制重启Apple Watch (Force Restarting an Apple Watch) 对于Apple Watch,强制重启的...
Force restart your iPhone. Press and quickly release the volume up button. Press and quickly release the volume down button. Press and hold the side button. When the Apple logo appears, release the side button. Reply of 1 IPhone12Mini - Screen Frozen Welcome to Apple Support Community A f...
Dec 18, 2024 9:19 PM in response to Silver1246 (1) Try and Force Restart your iPhone EXACTLY as shown below and see whether that resolves the issue: Press and quickly release Volume UP button Press and quickly release Volume DOWN button Press and Hold the SIDE button until an Apple log...
4.2 强制重启 (Force Restart) 如果Apple Watch无响应,可以进行强制重启: 同时按住侧边按钮和数字表冠,持续按压约10秒钟,直到看到苹果标志。 五、重启Apple TV (Restarting an Apple TV) 5.1 使用遥控器重启 (Restarting via Remote) 重启Apple TV的步骤如下: ...
Screen is on,will not respond, to touch swipe or force restart iPhone 11 shows screen, but will not respond to touch, swipe or force start 3 years ago 99 1 Screen not responding constantly. I got an Iphone 12 earlier this week, now, an issue has surfaced. I can turn on my Ipho...
如果你的 iPhone 无法开机,请为 iPhone 充电一小时,然后再试一次。如果你的 iPhone 显示电池电量不足 ,请检查硬件并再次为 iPhone 充电。 如果iPhone 仍然无法开机,请了解该怎么做。 在iPhone 7 或 iPhone 7 Plus 上 同时按住侧边按钮和调低音量按钮,直到看到 Apple 标志(这个过程大约需要 10 秒钟)。
ios 17.5 no sim detected iphone 12 mini after update ios 17.5 no sim detected. already force restart & reset network setting, nothing changes. iphone 12 mini.iPhone 12 mini Posted on May 14, 2024 12:09 AM Me too (5) Reply 2 replies Sort By: Rank Page content loaded User profile ...
Restart the device. That's it. Still not solved --> Force restart iPhone - Apple Support Make sure you have the latest updates installed. Update using iTunes/Finder —> Update your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch - Apple Support (IN) You still see a black screen after charging, force r...
3.Wifi won't connect.It connects only if I turn on and off a few times the wifi from settings so if I want to force restart the iPhone I will not be able to connect to the internet so I can download a backup from iCloud. 4.While using auto-spelling,the corrected word option is...