1. To change your voicemail password, from the home screen select the Settings app. Note: You will not be able to change or reset your voicemail password when using Wi-Fi calling. 2. Scroll to and selectPhone. 3. Scroll to and selectChange Voicemail Password. Note: This option will only...
Current Step: 1 - From the Settings app, scroll to and tap Phone. 1 - From the Settings app, scroll to and tap Phone. 2 - Tap Live Voicemail. 3 - Tap or slide the Live Voicemail switch to ON. 4 - You've completed the steps! 1/4 Product Image and Indicators - Image of ...
I have tried resetting Network settings, toggle airplane mode, restarting iPhone etc all to no avail Weird thing is that if i call my own number from my phone it gives me the option to leave a voicemail as the caller is on another line. 4 years ago 3857 2 Call voicemail issue on ...
I followed the directions, but holding the side button doesn’t force a shutdown unless you push a volume button at the same time and that produces a slide button to turn off the phone. I haven’t been able to test to see if calls are sent to voicemail. I will update if the thin...
Note: While on the current line, incoming calls to the other line will route straight to voicemail. Switch cellular plan for message When composing a message in the Messages app, select the currentlinethen select the desiredline. Erase eSIM ...
Please note that you need to erase all content and settings before restoring the backup. Tips The New iOS 17 Has Introduced a Live Voicemail Feature. If You Want to Learn More, Click Here to Try It Out!Part 2. How Do I Permanently Delete Voicemails on iPhone?
Here's how to turn sounds for calls from unknown numbers on or off with your iPhone. Calls from unknown numbers are silenced, sent to voicemail and displayed on the 'Recents' list. Phone numbers that call and have been previously texted or shared an email including the phone number are not...
It also offers a new Contact Poster feature, improved AirDrop functionality, Live Voicemail transcriptions, updates to Messages and FaceTime apps, Sticker integration, better autocorrect, new communication safety features, and more. Summary Will iphone 11 get ios 17? While iPhone 11 is eligible, so...
Settingsare improved with a reorganized iCloud settings page, an easier way to manage known Wi-Fi networks, and more. When connected to AirPods, a new corresponding glyph for your AirPods model will appear on the Now Playing section in Control Center and on the Lock Screen. This replaces th...
BUT after searching I found that I had to turn off/ disable the "Live Voicemail" setting under the Phone app in Settings. Once done my personal greeting immediately became active. I don't use Live Voicemail anyway, but I suppose it would be a problem for someone who wanted both personal...