Apple iPhone 11 have 6.1" physical screen size and its resolution is about 828 x 1792 Pixels with approximately 326 PPI pixel density. Apple iPhone 11 has viewport size 414 x 896 Pixels and its pixel ratio is about 2. For better understanding screen actual sizes, viewport sizes, display reso...
iPhone XR / 116.1414 x 896@2x828 x 1792326= iPhone Xs Max / 11 Pro Max6.5414 x 896@3x1242 x 2688458= iPhone 12 mini / 13 mini5.4375 x 812@3x1125 x 24364761080 x 2340 iPhone 12 / 12 Pro / 13 / 13 Pro / 146.1390 x 844@3x1170 x 2532460= ...
Screen Sizes 是一个网站,即开即用:
#defineAPPFRAME_WIDTH([UIScreen mainScreen].applicationFrame.size.width) // APPFRAME_HEIGHT=SCREEN_HEIGHT-STATUSBAR_HEIGHT //注意:横屏(UIDeviceOrientationLandscape)时,iOS8默认隐藏状态栏,此时APPFRAME_HEIGHT=SCREEN_HEIGHT #defineAPPFRAME_HEIGHT([UIScreen mainScreen].applicationFrame.size.height) --- (4...
9.Screen Bounds&Application Frame (1)UIScreen.bounds // Bounds of entire screen in points(本地坐标系,起点为[0,0]) @property(nonatomic,readonly) CGRectbounds; ———– //考虑转屏的影响,按照实际屏幕方向(UIDeviceOrientation)的宽高 #defineSCREEN_WIDTH([UIScreenmainScreen].bounds.size....
为了自动适应分辨率,系统会根据设备实际分辨率,自动给UIScreen.scale赋值,该属性对开发者只读。 (3)UIScreen.nativeScale iOS8新增了nativeScale属性: // Native scale factor of the physical screen @property(nonatomic,readonly)CGFloatnativeScaleNS_AVAILABLE_IOS(8_0); ...
iPhone11user PVa 16 Oct 2022 Every video of this phone i see frame drops during swiping throughout the Home screen, poor RAM management, i myself experience apps refreshing so often, the keyboard is a bit too hard to press for me, ergonomics are thrown outside the window. Did Apple ac...
6.1 寸 iPhone 12 的屏幕分辨率为 1170px × 2532px,PPI 为 460,与 6.1 寸 iPhone 11 的屏幕分辨率(828px × 1792px)并不相同。在之前文章也有讲到过,虽然是相同尺寸,但屏幕由 LCD 材质换为 OLED 材质,由于成像原理的不同,要想保持同样的清晰度观感,分辨率必须提升。6.1 寸 iPhone 12 的逻辑分辨率为 390...
J.P. Morgan Chase analystsagreedin a July note that major updates would come in 2020. "Our expectations include all three Sep-2020 iPhones (5.4″/6.1″/6.7″ screen sizes) will adopt OLED displays and 5G baseband modems (with support for mmWave frequencies), and at least two of the thre...
PS:Apple Device Screen Sizes、AppStore审核之App预览规范、AppStore审核之App截屏规范、iPhone 机型比较(各种技术规格的对比) 3.视网膜屏幕 Retina 视网膜屏幕是在iPhone 4发布时进入大众视野的,叫视网膜是因为屏幕的PPI已达到人们肉眼无法看到的级别,即我们肉眼已无法识别屏幕上的一个像素,从技术上来说就是Apple在物理...