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IT之家在 eBay 发现,有用户上架了带有 Twitter 旧版 Logo 的 iPhone 11 Pro Max,售价高达 2.5 万美元(当前约 17.9 万元人民币), 卖家对物品的描述为:最新 iOS 上的原始 Twitter 图标。其它带有 Twitter 小鸟 Logo 的机型售价 800 至 1000 美元不等,与 2.5 万美元相比相对适中,这些 iPhone 用户很可能手动选...
Cracked Screen I bought an iPhone 11 Pro Max when I signed up with T-Mobile. Recently, I accidentally dropped it, and it cracked my screen. It still works, but is very hard to see anything. Apple Stores in my area of SoCal are all closed. How can I get a replacement iPhone? Thank...
iPhone 11 Pro Max If you are one of the tech folks who wants your iPhone to come with the best screen, the best camera, and the longest-lasting battery then the iPhone 11 Pro Max is the phone to go for. Is it far better than the iPhone 11? Probably not and it's certainly carryin...
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