在机器的背面有三个相机,以及更长的电池使用寿命。苹果说Pro可以比Xs和11使用时间长4小时,Pro Max可...
iphone11pro max有三个摄像头,第1个摄像头为主摄像头,具有广角和长焦的强大功能。第2个摄像头主要是用来拍人像模式的。3、第3个摄像头是超广角镜头,超广角摄像头拍摄的范围会更远,它可以在你拍照、录视频时摄像头不仅是拍到屏幕内的画面,还能把屏幕外的景象也拍下来。
While we’re on the back of the iPhone, let’s talk about the camera design. It’s not great, though it is growing on me. The holes are so huge that they stand out a little too much, as though Apple really wants you to show everyone that you have an iPhone 11 Pro Max — not ...
iphone11pro max有三个摄像头,第1个摄像头为主摄像头,具有广角和长焦的强大功能。第2个摄像头主要是用来拍人像模式的。3、第3个摄像头是超广角镜头,超广角摄像头拍摄的范围会更远,它可以在你拍照、录视频时摄像头不仅是拍到屏幕内的画面,还能把屏幕外的景象也拍下来。_
Apple iPhone 11 Pro Max690 imagesAmazon Populaire Nieuwste 5 1 43 0 12 2 25 0 18 2 108 2 15 0 3 1 27 4 11 0 19 3 5 0 4 0 9 0 4 0 2 1 4 0 8 0 4 0 6 0 3 0 12 2 7 0 25 1 12 0 12 2 5 0 4 1 5 0 9 0 3...
细节:iPhone 16 Pro Max 拥有支持灵动岛的 6.9 英寸全面屏超视网膜 XDR 显示屏。采用亚光质感玻璃背板设计,机身环绕弧形边沿钛金属边框。操作按钮位于左上方,侧边按钮位于设备的右侧。相机控制位于右侧下方。背面有三个相机:超广角相机、融合式相机和长焦相机。背面有一个激光雷达扫描仪。背面有一个 LED 原彩闪光灯。
11 pro m..如图,这个是拍摄的截图,之前看到哔哩哔哩上有人发布了,一个视频,在升级到13.1.2以后,相机在进入4K 60帧模式下,拍摄视频,镜头无法做到多个镜头切换,或者是镜头切换时候,会出现毛玻璃一样的,画
All three cameras are capturing their image on a 12MP sensor. This means that a photo captured by each lens is comprised of 3024 × 4032 pixels. The ultra wide angle lens is capturing 4 times as much of the real world as an image that is captured by the wide angle lens. (see the...
All three cameras record 4K video at 60 frames per second with what Apple claims is an extended dynamic range and with cinematic video stablization for action videos. When users switch between the different lenses, the iPhone 11 Pro models have an Audio Zoom feature that matches the audio ...
iPhone11 pro max,256g,电池要换了,换原装还是第三方啊? 借点感觉N @知乎 2-24 13 11PM 老版本IOS 13.6.1 多少出合适 Gorben8 同事的暗夜绿 11PM, 平时都带手机壳,系统还是13.6.1,256G,成色9新,国行,无拆机,电池78%,现在啥行情。 TTTan7 2-23 29 iphone11PM系统升级IOS18 贴吧用户_...