劳伦斯·谢尔是手持 iPhone 11 Pro 完成的,这样的拍摄方式在影片中还有不少,导演表示这次的拍摄几乎「...
这一次两位好莱坞大咖并没有过多的依赖这些昂贵的「外挂」,更多是用 iPhone 11 Pro 结合自己的创意完成拍摄。 比如利用 iPhone 11 Pro 的超广角镜头,在有限的空间内拍摄长镜头,这样一来一镜到底也曾呈现出更丰富的场景细节。 摄影指导劳伦斯·谢尔表示,得益于 iPhone 11 Pro 扩展的动态范围和影院级的防抖功能,他...
这一次两位好莱坞大咖并没有过多的依赖这些昂贵的「外挂」,更多是用 iPhone 11 Pro 结合自己的创意完成拍摄。 比如利用 iPhone 11 Pro 的超广角镜头,在有限的空间内拍摄长镜头,这样一来一镜到底也曾呈现出更丰富的场景细节。 摄影指导劳伦斯·谢尔表示,得益于 iPhone 11 Pro 扩展的动态范围和影院级的防抖功能,他...
这一次两位好莱坞大咖并没有过多的依赖这些昂贵的「外挂」,更多是用 iPhone 11 Pro 结合自己的创意完成拍摄。 比如利用 iPhone 11 Pro 的超广角镜头,在有限的空间内拍摄长镜头,这样一来一镜到底也曾呈现出更丰富的场景细节。 摄影指导劳伦斯·谢尔表示,得益于 iPhone 11 Pro 扩展的动态范围和影院级的防抖功能,他...
Apple iPhone 11 is available in the UK through various online and physical stores, such as Apple, Currys, John Lewis, and PriceRunner. The phone’s starting price is £429 for the 64 GB model, £479 for the 128 GB model, and £579 for the 256 GB model. The phone is also eligi...
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For a deal on the iPhone 16 Pro Max, head to John Lewis. View Deal Apple iPhone 16: save £300 over 36 monthsO2 is currently offering a £300 discount on its 150GB, 36-month iPhone 16 plan. You'll save £8/mo on the overall data cost, and a further ...
Hi. I just bought a brand new iPhone XS from John Lewis in their Christmas sale for £629 today. Got home tonight and I plugged it in to charge it for first time and battery health is 100%. However, it is showing last charge with date of 21/09/2019. How can this be...
Look for money off at Amazon, John Lewis, Currys, and Very. There aren’t yet any discounts on the new 16-series iPhones, but in the U.K. it’s possible to find discounts on older iPhones, including the now-discontinued iPhone 15 Pro, iPhone 15 Pro Max and iPhone 14 Pro. Amazon,...