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iPhone 13 和 iPhone 13 mini 搭载 A15 仿生芯片,运行高速,能效出众,电池续航时间亦有提升;配备超视网膜 XDR 显示屏,亮度更高,画面无比鲜活;采用超瓷晶面板,经久耐用。两款机型的起始存储容量均为 128GB,为上一代的两倍,拥有行业领先的 IP68 级抗水性能,并可提供出色的 5G 体验。 iPhone 13 和 iPhone 13 ...
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Neu, 03 Oct 2023Paying this much money for a 60Hz screen just ain't it.Try scrolling on a 120hz android Vs 60hz Apple and tell me if you can see the difference. Yes, it's not 120hz iOS Vs 60hz iOS for a reason... Reply 🤣 ADVERTISEMENT justasmile vjq 04 Oct 2023 Anonymous,...
绿屏问题主要出现在 iPhone 11 机型上。在大多数情况下,当解锁 iPhone 或开启深色模式时,有几率导致屏幕变绿,不过很快又自行恢复正常。 与其说是硬件问题,不如说是软件问题,因为很多用户都声称他们在更新到 iOS 13.5 后才出现这种情况。 目前尚没有解 2309 iphone13promax吧 Emiya1º 兄弟们你们的13pro息屏...
S21 ultra pro mod 1/4 1600iso Bohužel žijeme v době, která nepřeje uživatelským nastavením a pokud vám nevyhovuje výchozí nastavení, nic s tím neuděláte. Není to jen u Samsungu, ale skoro všude. Až někdo opraví systém na zadávání požadavků...
I'm currently using an iPhone 11 base model with 128 GB storage but it is getting older and the battery is not as good as it used to be. I need an upgrade so which one should I get? IPhone 15 128 GB model or 256 GB model or should I get the iPhone 15 pro 128gb model? Which...
If you’re coming from an older model – maybe an 11 Pro or one of the non-Pro phones – then the differences can be stark. The Dynamic Island is a silly name but turns an annoying design quirk into something useful, while the cameras are very powerful if pushing them to the limit ...