未来,搭载了U1芯片的AR眼镜配合iPhone 11系列机型,以及其他内置了这一芯片的HomeKit智能家居产品,就能...
有人说[3],iPhone 11 里的U1芯片,是超宽带革命的开始(“The U1 chip in the iPhone 11 is the beginning of an Ultra Wideband revolution”)。 也许真会如此。 IoT、工业互联网等需要测距定位的场合,是UWB的用武之地。其实,UWB在IoT中已经有了很多应用,目前是上升时期。 UWB在手机中的应用,iPhone 11 算...
作为业界首款且唯一全集成5G芯片,麒麟990 5G将5G基带加入SoC(System on a Chip,系统芯片),推出一体化芯片,同时支持NSA/SA网络。其采用最新的7nm FinFET+EUV工艺,再度突破摩尔定律,成为世界第一款晶体管数量超越100亿的移动终端芯片,板级面积大大降低。相较而言,麒麟990的主要竞争对手中,高通骁龙865尚未发布,表现...
这个影响十分巨大。就像苹果关于U1的市场文案说的那样,“这仅仅是开始。”原文:https://sixcolors.com/post/2019/09/the-u1-chip-in-the-iphone-11-is-the-beginning-of-an-ultra-wideband-revolution/ 本文为 CSDN 翻译,转载请注明来源出处。【END】随着物联网迅速兴起,互联网和智能硬件厂商纷纷开始构建物联...
iPhone 11, iPhone 11 Pro, and iPhone 11 Pro Max models are equipped with a "U1" ultra wideband chip for "spatial awareness,"...
Case type Fashion, Slim Brand WiLLBee Color Chip Cheek (iPhone 11) Compatibility AppleView all specificationsAbout this item Product details Cute Clear Jelly iPhone 11 Cover iPhone 11 Case (6.1inch) . "NOT iPhon...
As expected, Sony remains the vendor for the four vision cameras in iPhone 11 Pro Max. STMicroelectronics is now into year 3 of providing its global shutter IR camera chip as the detector for iPhone’s structured light based FaceID system. Table 1: Summary of iPhone 11, iPhone 11 Pro Max...
iPhone 11真香背后的男人!被苹果雪藏十余年,A13芯片功臣 芯潮(ID:aichip001)文 | 韦世玮 近日iPhone11系列手机的预售,已然成为了一个大型“真香”现场。虽然,许多人从苹果发布会开始前,就在“唱衰”iPhone 11系列。但实际上,在iPhone 11系列预售开启后,京东和天猫公布数据显示,该系列手机的预售量同比暴...
Apple iPhone 11 against the iPhone XS and the iPhone X in our Photo compare tool Portraits The Portrait mode uses the main camera for the shots, while the depth map is handled entirely by the Apple's A13 Bionic chip and its NPU. When you are in portrait mode, you can choose between ...
I am dreaming of that the Apple U1 UWB chip could be used in a not too distant future (2020 / 2021) for precise spatial locasization for at (short) distance wireless charging : by knowing where exactly in space an Apple device is, Apple might be able to dynamically and efficiently focus...