iperf3: error - unable toreadfrom stream socket: Bad file descriptor and on the client: #iperf3 -c --sctp -i 1 -t 30 -p 5201Connecting to host, port 5201 [ 5]local192.168.0.88 port 37184 connected to port 5201 [ ID] Interval Transfer Bitrate [...
当遇到iperf3的错误信息 "error - unable to read from stream socket: resource temporarily unavailable" 时,这通常指示了一个网络问题或系统资源限制。以下是一些可能的原因和相应的解决步骤,你可以按照这些步骤逐一排查和解决问题: 1. 确认iperf3错误信息的完整内容 首先,确保你查看了iperf3输出的完整错误信息。有...
The tcpdumps info (which is very useful) shows that the client successfully sent on the control stream (TCP) the cookie (seq 1:38) and the parameters (seq 42-140) and that the server acked receiving them. The server also received the first 4 bytes UDP message - the Connect message, ...
http://blog.chinaunix.net/uid-24410388-id-3669153.html3. unable to create anewstream: No such file or directory https://github.com/esnet/iperf/issues/3744. How to compile iperf3forWindows http://www.embeddedsystemtesting.com/2014/08/how-to-compile-iperf3-for-windows.html二、download: ur...
Connecting to host127.0.0.1, port5201iperf3: error- unable to create anewstream: No such file or directory Accepted connectionfrom127.0.0.1, port49340iperf3: the client has unexpectedly closed the connection---Server listening on5201---1|root@android:/data/local #4. 最后这部分出现的问题,没找...
iperf3 error :unable to read from stream socket: Resource temporarily unavailable#862 orenbigelopened this issueApr 29, 2019· 1 comment Comments Copy link orenbigelcommentedApr 29, 2019 Precondition: created alias IP on eth0 for both server and client, both are using the same version of ipe...
After adding the --bidir option, it displays "socket: Resource temporarily unavailable" Steps to Reproduce Build iperf3 on Windows. Use theiperf3 -c <remotehost> -u --bidircommand on the client to connect to the server But, use Windows client to connect to Linux server, very stable. ...
I'm using the --bidir feature of iperf3 to measure perform between multiple LAN devices on a variety of operating systems. When using Windows as a client, the option works erratically, often display the message "iperf3: error - unable to connect stream: No such file or directory", but ...
Specifying --fq-rate or --no-fq-socket-pacing on a system where these options are not supported now generate an error instead of a warning. This change makes diagnosing issues related to pacing more apparent. Fixed a bug where two recently-added diagnostic messages spammed the JSON output on...
if ((gerror = getaddrinfo(test->bind_address, portstr, &hints, &res)) != 0) { i_errno = IESTREAMLISTEN; test->i_errno = IESTREAMLISTEN; return -1; }if ((s = socket(res->ai_family, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) < 0) { freeaddrinfo(res);...