IPEnableRouter NameServer TcpNumConnections EnablePMTUDiscovery TcpTimedWaitDelay IPAutoconfigurationSubnet EnableFastRouteLookup TcpMaxDupAcks MaxForwardBufferMemory GlobalMaxTcpWindowSize MaxHashTableSize KeepAliveInterval IPAutoconfigurationMask MaxNormLookupMemory ...
you should set the value of IPEnableRouter as 1. Check the Services: Enable the service **Routing and Remote Access. ** Please refer to the link below: https://www.wikihow.com/Enable-IP-Routing Best regards, Travis Please remember tomark the replies as an answersif they help. ...
IPEnableRouter NameServer TcpNumConnections EnablePMTUDiscovery TcpTimedWaitDelay IPAutoconfigurationSubnet EnableFastRouteLookup TcpMaxDupAcks MaxForwardBufferMemory GlobalMaxTcpWindowSize MaxHashTableSize KeepAliveInterval IPAutoconfigurationMask MaxNormLookupMemory ...
IPEnableRouter Article 09/10/2008 HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\ParametersExpand table Data type Range Default value REG_DWORD 0 | 1 0DescriptionEnables IP forwarding to connected networks. When the value of this entry is 1, the system routes IP packets to all networks to ...
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SYSTEM CurrentSet Services Tcpip Parameters 閱讀英文 加 列印 Twitter LinkedIn Facebook 電子郵件 IpEnableRouterBackup 發行項 2008/09/10 HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters 展開資料表 Data type Range Default value REG_DWORD 0 | 1 (There is no default val...
配置ospf显示iprouternotenable ospf routeid,一些动态路由协议要求使用Router-ID作为路由器的身份标识,如果在启动这些路由协议时没有指定Router-ID,则路由协议进程可能无法正常启动。Router-ID的选举规则,如果通告Router-ID命令配置了Router-ID,则按照配置结果设置。在
To use IPv6 on your router, you must, at a minimum, enable the protocol and assign IPv6 addresses to your interfaces, like this: Router(config)# ipv6 unicast-routing Router(config)# interface type [slot_#/]port_# Router(config-if)# ipv6 address ipv6_address_prefix/prefix_length [eui...
Before you enable a 6to4 tunnel to a 6to4 relay router, complete the following tasks: Configure a 6to4 router at your site. See How to Create and Configure an IP Tunnel. Review the security issues that are involved in tunneling to a 6to4 relay router. Ensure that your role has the approp...
My main router/internet gateway knows to route via, and is configured as the gateway in 192.168.3. So I guess all that's missing is ip forwarding on the DS, so that it can act as a router and forward ip packets via the two nets on its NICs....
智慧职教: 在路由器上执行如下配置命令:[Router] dhcp enable[Router] server forbidden-ip[Router] server forbidden-ip[Router] dhcp server ip-pool 0[Router-dhcp-pool-0] network mask[Router-dhcp-pool-0] gateway-list[Router-dhcp-pool...