Emission Factor Database Emission Factor Database (EFDB) (EFDB) IPCC NGGIP Side Event at UNFCCC-SB20 17 June 2004, 13:00-15:00 Kiyoto Tanabe Programme Officer, Technical Support Unit IPCC National Greenhouse Gas Inventories Programme Why is the EFDB needed? Why is the EFDB needed? Desirably...
IPCC EFDB - unfccc 下载积分:2500 内容提示: CGE Training MaterialsNational Greenhouse Gas InventoriesTraining Materials for National Greenhouse Gas InventoriesConsultative Group of Experts (CGE)The IPCC Emission Factor DatabaseVersion 2, April 2012 文档...
STEP 4. send files to IPCC along with corresponding PDFs Send files that are in3-EFDB-forms-readyto IPCC along with corresponding PDFs that should be in theReference repository SETP 5. move sent files from3-EFDB-forms-readyto4-transferred-to-EFDB...