EPA是美国监管制作报告的部门,所以EPA也发布了他们审核排放量的方式。1968美年国公共卫生 局(PHS)发布了最早的《空气污染物排放系数汇编》(Compilation of Air Pollutant Emission Factors,简称AP-42), 其中就包括了部分温室气体排放系数。在AP-42方法学的基础 上,EPA结合IPCC方法学及其相关数据,公布多个改进的温室气体...
EPA是美国监管制作报告的部门,所以EPA也发布了他们审核排放量的方式。1968美年国公共卫生 局(PHS)发布了最早的《空气污染物排放系数汇编》(Compilation of Air Pollutant Emission Factors,简称AP-42), 其中就包括了部分温室气体排放系数。在AP-42方法学的基础 上,EPA...
https://www.eea.europa.eu/publications/emep-eea-guidebook-2019/emission-factors-database 该网站上提供了pdf版本的EMEP/EEA air pollutant emission inventory guide book 2019,内有方法论及使用指南,并备注了最新更新时间为2020-11-23. 打开EFDB链接,除了可以对...
The database on GHG emission factors (EFDB) is developed under the work plan endorsed by the Task Force Bureau of the IPCC National Greenhouse Gas Inventories Programme (TFB). The Management Plan for the maintenance of the EFDB aims, through defining a pragmatic and cost-effective management ...
内容提示: 1Attachment II IPCC Emission Factor Database - Overview and Its Management System - 1. Background The quality of national inventories of anthropogenic emissions by sources and removals by sinks of greenhouse gases depends substantially on reliable emission factors and activity data. Although...
However, some of these default emission factors do not reflect region- or country-specific conditions, and might not be adequate for the inventory being developed. Many countries have expressed the need for an easily accessible public database of GHG emission factors to improve the quality of ...
2019 Refinement to the 2006 Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories shows the progress on exiting guidance since 2006 in general guidance and reporting,energy,IPPU,AFOLU and waste,by updating of existing methods and default emission factors,providing new methods and factors for new categories...
The objective of this research was to measure the GHG emissions from the biogas facility as the baseline to construct the country-specific emission factors, and to compare the emissions between site measured data and 2006 IPCC guideline (2006 IPCC GL). This facility was constituted with feedstock...
emission metric values,uations of different metrics with regard to mitigation objectives,and assess new approaches to aggregating gases.The choice of metric depends on the purpose of the analysis and all GHG emission metrics have limitations and uncertainties,given that they simplify the complexity of...
In the near term, global warming is more likely than not to reach 1.5°C even under the very low GHG emission scenario (SSP1-1.9) and likely or very likely to exceed 1.5°C under higher emissions scenarios. In the considered scenarios and modelled pathways, the best estimates of the time...