The assessment reports are in fact made up of four big parts, each published one at a time: "The Physical Science Basis"; the "Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability" part; the "Mitigation Measures"; and finally, the "Synthesis report". ...
This year, the IPCC released itsfirst of a three-part 6th Assessment Report (AR6)on August 9th and it is considered to be the most significant update of the current state of climate since the last assessment report in 2014. The update is a...
This site hosts text-only extracts from theIPCC6th Assessment Reports. Specifically, the following are available: Working Group I, released August 9, 2021.IPCC original. Working Group II, released February 27, 2022.IPCC original. Working Group III, released April 4, 2022.IPCC original. ...
The concept of risk remains a key aspect in the recently published 6th Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). The IPCC risk diagram shows risk as a function of three elements: hazard, exposure and vulnerability. While this relationship is undisputed, simply ...
The importance of Article 6 stems from the clear message delivered by WGIII of the recent IPCC 6th Assessment Report; that carbon dioxide removals (CDR) are vital if the world is to achieve 1.5°C, the more ambitious goal of the UN Paris Agreement. This includes direct air carbon capture ...
Systematic scenario process to support analysis of long-term emissions scenarios and transformation pathways for the IPCC WG3 6th Assessment Report Here, we give an overview of the processes involved in the systematic assessment of long-term mitigation pathways as used in recent IPCC Assessments1 and...
In conclusion, the three recommendations made by participants and reported here reflect the needs of a core category of the IPCC’s end users and speak to the wider debate in the public sphere about the priorities in next (6th Assessment) period of the IPCC under the new chair, Hoesung Lee...
Climate change 2007: Synthesis Report. Contribution of Working Group I, II and III to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climat... Climate change 2013: The Physical Science Basis, is the Working Group I (WGI) contribution to the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergo...
“provisional”...Why didn’t IPCC clearly report the long-term decline in undernourishment during a period of temperature increase. This is information that is relevant to policy-makers. And, in particular, why did IPCC highlight a supposed increase in “provisional” data (more precisely now ...
Building on the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s (IPCC) review of how to make its Assessment Reports (ARs) more accessible in the future, the research reported here assesses the extent to which the ARs are a useful tool through which scientif