Change in dye or pigment type。excluding the minimum (none) and maximum (provided) filling XXX. Any change in the flux agent that results in a change in the XXX. Changes to "inert" XXX。such as an increase。removal。or XXX "inert" material that has been XXX the testing range in the ...
TypeAforscreenimaged(liquid)orcoverlayforflex (dry),andTypeBforalltypesofphotodefinedsolder mask(liquidordryfilm). 3.4.1FormulationChange 4thbulletpoint Replace: ?Changesintypeofdyeorpigment. With: ?Changesintypeofdyeorpigment,excludingcoloring dyeorpigmentwithinadefined,testedrangeoflowest (none)andhig...
Column A)—The qualification of the solder mask/ standard IPC-B- 25A test board (Tabel1,Column B)—The qualification assessment of the solder mask/ production board process (Tabel1,Column C)For purposes of this specification,the term"solder mask"is used herein when referring to any type of...