Target-Class 1,2,3 目标——等级1,2,3 •Nonpolarized component markings read from the top down. 无极性组件的标识可以从上至下辨识 •Polarized markings are located on top. 极性标识位于顶部. Figure图5-4 Acceptable-Class 1,2,3 可接受的——等级1,2,3 •Polarized part is mounted with a...
Acceptable-Class 1,2,3 可接受的——等级1,2,3 •Polarized part is mounted with a long ground lead. 极性组件安装时有长的接地引脚 •Polarized marking hidden. 极性标识被隐藏起来 •Nonpolarized component markings read from bottom to top. 无极性组件标识可以从底至上辨识。 Figure图5-5 Defect-...
As discussed above, the IPC-A-610 Class 1 is associated with general electronic products where the emphasis is on functionality rather than stringent reliability requirements. Some examples of applications for IPC-A-610 Class 1 electronic assemblies include: Simple electronic devices such as promotional...
IPC-A-610国际规范中英文对照 4.6.2 Heat sink-Contact 散热片――接触片 arget-Class 1,2,3 目标——等级1,2,3 · Component and heatsink are in full contact with the mounting surface. 组件和散热片与安装表面完全 接触 · Hardware meets specified attachment requirements. 部件满足规定的接触要求。
If the PCB Assembly inspection requirement is IPC-A-610 Class 3, does it mean that the PCB inspection IPC-A-600 also has to be IPC Class 3? My understanding is that they are 2 different standards. PCB can be based on IPC-A-600 class 2, but the entire Assembly can still be made ...
Target-Class 1,2,3 目标——等级1,2,3 •Nonpolarized component markings read from the top down. 无极性组件的标识可以从上至下辨识 •Polarized markings are located on top. 极性标识位于顶部. Figure图5-4 Acceptable-Class 1,2,3 可接受的——等级1,2,3 •Polarized part is mounted with a...
需求; 6.2.2 本标准; 6.2.3 最新版本的 IPC-A-610B 规范 Class 1 6.3 本规范未列举的项目,概以最新版本的 IPC-A-610B 规范 Class 1 为标准。 6.4 若有外观标准争议时,由质量管理部解释与核判是否允收。 6.6 涉及功能性问题时,由工程、开发部或质量管理部分析原因与责任单位,并于 维修后由质量管理部...
IPC-A-610国际标准中英文对照(17).pdf,IPC-A-610 国际标准中英文对照 4.6.2 Heat sink-Contact 散热片 ――接触片 arget-Class 1,2,3 目标——等级 1,2,3 · Component and heatsink are in full contact with the mounting surface. 组件和散热片与安装表面完全 接触 · Ha
IPC-A-610国际标准中英文对照Heatsink-Contact散热片――接触片arget-Class1,2,3目标——等级 1,2,·。Figure图4--Class1,2,3可接受的——等级 1,2,·Minimum75%%与安装表面接触·,部件满足安装的转距要求Figure图4--Class1,2,3缺点——等级 1,2,·。Figure图4--Horizontal方向——水平Target-Class1,...
IPC-A-610国国际标准中英文对对照4.6.2 Heat sink-Contact散热片接触片arget-Class 1,2,3目标等级1,2,3 Component and heatsink are in full contact with the C。mounting surface. 组件和散热片与安装表表面完全接触 Hardware meets specified attachment requirements.M。部件满足规定的接触要要求。Figure图4-...