Attendees will review the IPC-A-610 standard and must successfully complete open book exams in order to obtain their 610 Specialist certification. Recertification is required every 24 months. Url:
IPC-A-610G is the industry standard for the acceptance of electronic assemblies. It is a globally recognized certification that ensures the quality and reliability of electronic assemblies. In this document, we will discuss the key features and requirements of IPC-A-610G. Key Features 1. Accepta...
IPC-A-610 Training and Certification Category: Education/Training IPC-A-610 Training and Certification Description: Electronics Manufacturing Sciences is a certified trainer for IPC-A-610. All classes are conducted at client sites and are typically combined with EMS Science of Soldering© classes. ...
If you're involved in the production of electronic assembly, IPC-A-610 offers a training and certification program tailored to guarantee that any individual has the required understanding and capabilities to complete their tasks productively and with excellence. The key components of this education & ...
Certification Committee * 精品课件资料 IPC-A-610C培训目的 使学员理解最终产品的要求 提高辨别技能 提升灵活性,响应能力,和最佳制造规程 提供便于传递的职业技能 * 精品课件资料 对电子产品划分为三个级别: 一级---通用类电子产品 包括消费类电子产品,部分计算机及其外围设备,那些对外观要 求不高而以其使用功能...
For use only in IPC Training Programs leading to Official IPC Certification M4-3模块目标模块目标 完成本章的学习后,学员能够识别被焊接组件和高电压的可接受要求。IPC-A-610F通用焊接标准 2014, IPC, Bannockburn, IL All rights reserved. For use only 3、in IPC Training Programs leading to Official ...
Benefits of AN IPC-a-610F Certification Once your quality assurance managers have IPC-a-610F certification, you can be confident in the quality assurance initiatives throughout your company, and others who work with your company in the electronics industry as well. With IPC-a-610F, you have...
©2014,IPC,Bannockburn,ILAllrightsreserved.ForuseonlyinIPCTrainingProgramsleadingtoOfficialIPCCertification M4-4 2of3 5焊接 •例外:–有一些专用的焊接表面处理,需要建立不同的专用验收条件,未显示在IPC-A-610F中•浸镀锡•钯•金–此类专用条件应该基于设计、工艺能力和性能要求而定 M4-5 ©2014,...
检查委员会ReviewBoard 技术认证委员会TechnicalCertificationCommittee IPC-A-610C培训目的 使学员理解最终产品的要求提高辨别技能提升灵活性,响应能力,和最佳制造规程提供便于传递的职业技能 对电子产品划分为三个级别:一级---通用类电子产品 包括消费类电子产品,部分计算机及其外围设备,那些对外观要求不高而以其使用...
eilJohnson,Saab-ElectronicDefenceSystemsCasimirBudzinski,SafariCircuitsInc.GastonHidalgo,SamsungTelecommunicationsAm ericaRichardHenrick,SanminaCorporationMaryJames,SchlumbergerWellServicesDanKelsey,ScienscopeInternationalCorporation FinnSkaanning,SkaanningQualityCertification-SQCCraigPfefferman,SouthernCaliforniaBraidingCompany,...