This study was performed to examine whether using a mobile IPC device can effectively augment the AAE-induced increase in peak velocity (PV). Methods: PV was measured by Doppler ultrasonography in the superficial femoral vein at rest, during AAE alone, during IPC alone, and during AAE with ...
3 new hardware platformsare:Intel Pineview-D Platform,Intel Sandy Bridge Platform and Intel Romley platform. ◆ IPCdevice's network security plarform Roadmap ◆ LAN card ◆ Pineview-D hardware platform ◆ IEC-516PM & IEC-516P system
设备音量控制basic_device_volume可下发可上报(rw)数值型(Value)数值范围: 1~100, 间距: 1, 倍数: 0, 单位: %控制设备端播放对讲声音的音量 移动追踪 DP 定义如下: 功能点名称标识符数据传输类型数据类型功能点属性备注 DP 161 移动追踪开关motion_tracking可下发可上报(rw)布尔型(Bool)-- ...
在baetyl-rule应用中增加source为$baetyl/device/{设备名称}/result的topic,同时,target设置为s3上传的地址。下面配置示例在上传图片的同时,将AI消息结果上传至kafka。 clients: - name: minio kind: s3 address: bucket: bie-upload ak: ak sk: sk - name: kafka kind: kafka address: - ...
This is still useful for overall device system health as the System can try to keep one copy of data blob on disk when multiple apps contribute the same data。 4.4 MemoryIntArray 一种多进程共享状态一个封装类,在一些场景下可以优化性能 frameworks/base/core/java/android/util/MemoryIntArray.java...
ONVIF官网:https://www.onvif.org/,百度百科可以使用我们的ONVIF Device Test Tool来搜索下我们的摄像机(这个工具官网不提供私人下载,百度下载的话,自行斟酌) 同样可以使用这个工具,来获取摄像头的相关信息。 或是 需要开启rtsp服务。 海康威视 海康的软件下载:https://www.hikvision.com/cn/download_60.html ...
Device upgrades are risky, please be sure to confirm whether there is a need for upgrades Please make sure that this firmware package corresponds to your device Please strictly refer to the upgrade method for the upgrade operation. During the upgrade process, please do not power off and wait ...