IPC-7711C-7721C Rework, Modification and Repair of Electronic Assemblies Suggestions on PCB design Definition of PCB travel direction Along the SMT production direction, the short edge of each PCB travels through the reflow oven and its long edge is clamped on the SMT conveyor belt, as shown ...
The procedure selected for action to be taken (modification, rework, repair, overhaul etc.) must be consistent with the Class identified by the user. The three Classes of Product are: 1. Class 1 - General Electronic Products Includes products for applications where the major requirement is the...
No experience necessary. Learn the basics of electronics, the definition of terms, tools, functions of components & the electronics industry. This is a mandatory course and provides a professional foundation for future learning. This training builds your knowledge on acceptance criteria for printed cir...
This was also the criteria in Rev C circa 2000. In Rev D onward the committee rephrased the criteria to include the word Plastic Component in the definition and it has been that way ever since. The other issue was the plating on the leads was tin/lead which allowed the solder to flow ...
Rework of Electronic Assemblies 电子组装件的返工 IPC-7721 Repair and Modification of Printed Boards and Electronic Assemblies 印制板和电子组装件的修复与修正 IPC/EIA J-STD-002B Solderability Tests for Component Leads, Terminations, Lugs, Terminals and Wires 元件引线、端子、焊片、接线柱及导线可焊性...
IPC-T-50F Terms and Definition for Interconnecting and Packaging Electronic Circuits 电子电路互连与封装的定义和术语 IPC-S-100 Standards and Specifications Manual 标准和详细说明汇编手册 IPC-E-500 IPC Electronic Document Collection 已出版的IPC标准电子文档资料合订本 IPC-TM-650 Test Methods Manual 试验方...
IPC-E-500 IPC-TM-650 IPC-ESD-20-20 IPC/EIA J-STD-001C IPC-HDBK-001 IPC-A-610C IPC-HDBK-610 IPC-EA-100-K IPC/WHMA-A-620 IPC/EIA J-STD-012 IPC-SM-784 IPC/EIA J-STD-026 J-STD-027 IPC/EIA J-STD-028 电子组装( Assembly ) Terms and Definition for Interconnecting and ...
?? IPC-T-50F?Terms?and?Definition?for?Interconnecting?and?Packaging?Electronic?Circuits 电子电路互连与封装的定义和术语?? IPC-S-100?Standards?and?Specifications?Manual 标准和详细说明汇编手册? IPC-E-500?IPC?Electronic?Document?Collection 已出版的IPC标准电子文档资料合订本? IPC-TM-650?Test?Methods?
57,IPC-2501,2003,English,基于网络的交换xml数据(信息经纪人)定义,DefinitionforWeb-BasedExchangeofXMLData(MessageBroker), 58,IPC-2511B,B,English,产品生产描述数据和传送方法实现的一般要求,GenericRequirementsforImplementationofProductManufacturingDescriptionDataandTransferXMLSchemaMethodology., 59,IPC-2513A,A,Eng...
IPC-T-50F Terms and Definition for Interconnecting and Packaging Electronic Circuits 电子电路互连与封装的定义和术语 IPC-S-100 Standards and Specifications Manual 标准和详细说明汇编手册 IPC-S-100 Test Methods Manual 试验方法手册 IPC/EIA J-STD-001C Requirements for Soldered Electrical & Electronic As...