IPC-7351表面贴装设计和焊盘图形标准.pdf,追溯过去 自从 1987 年以来,每当工业需要有关焊盘图形尺寸和容差方面的信息时, 总是依照表面贴装设计和焊盘图形标准 IPC-SM-782。1993 年曾对该标准的修订 版 A 进行了一次彻底修正,接着 1996 年对新的片式元件进行了修正,到 19
2-2 of 35 1/9/2008 IPC-7351A LP Viewer V7.00 User Guide INSTALLATION Don’t forget to choose the correct language setting used on your computer! Put the .net Framework DOTNETFX.EXE file anywhere you want on your computer and then install the .net Framework Program. Now you are ready ...
I P C-7351A N a m i n g C o n v e n t i o n f o r S t a n d a r d S M T L a n d P a t t e r n s Surface Mount Land Patterns Component, Category Land Pattern Name Ball Grid Array’s...BGA + Pin Qty + C or N + Pitch P + Ball Columns X Ball Row...
基于IPC- 7351A DFN1006-2 / DFN1006H4-2 / MiniMELF / MELF / SOD- 323 / SOD- 123 / SOD- 523 / SMA / SMB / SMC C X Y G Z 尺寸 Z G X Y C DFN1006-2 / MiniMELF DFN1006H4-2 1.1 4.7 0.3 2.1 0.7 1.7 0.4 1.3 0.7 3.5 MELF 6.3 3.3 2.7 1.5 4.8 SOD-123 4.9 2.5 0.7 1....
【dz37.com】实时报价有图&PDF 查询更多SC59供应信息拟议的焊盘布局 基于IPC- 7351A X1 - DFN1006-2 / X2 - DFN1006-2 / MiniMELF / MELF / SOD323 / SOD123 / SOD523 / SMA / SMB / SMC C X Y G Z 尺寸 Z G X Y C X1- DFN1006-2 / MiniMELF X2-DFN1006-2 1.1 4.7 0.3 2.1 0.7...
使用IPC-7351 LP计算器可以有效地节约建库时间,该焊盘图形计算器是基于IPC-7351A SMT焊盘图形标准,允许设计自己的焊盘图形,并且与免费库文档实现无缝兼 容。高级功能包括:(1)器件图形与焊盘图形并列 (2)为制造和插装过程设置补偿变量 (3)根据操作环境或者用户自定义目标设计焊盘toe、heel、side。(4)焊接...
IPC-7351GeneralReqirementsforSurfaceMountDesignandLand 15 PatternStanderd IPC/WHMA-A-620RequirementsandAcceptanceforCableandWire 16 HarnessAssemblies 17IPC/EIJ-STD-032PerformanceStandardforBallGridArrayBalls 18IPC-M-108CleaningGuidesandHandbookManual
When the RESET ROTATION feature is used then the Unisoft software automatically calculates component rotations using standard zero degree package orientations defined in the IPC7351B Level A standard.Note 2: Gerber: Gerber data is basically a drawing file of the PC Boards pad information. Most of...
PCB插座, 额定横截面: 16 mm<sup>2</sup>, 颜色: 绿色, 额定电流: 76 A, 额定电压(III/2): 1000 V, 触点表面: Ag, 触点类型: 孔式插头, 电位数: 8, 行数: 1, 位数: 8, 连接量: 8, 产品系列: IPC 16/..-GF, 针距: 10.16 mm, 安装: 波峰焊, 针脚排列: 直线排列