See all IPC-A-610 Certified Standards Expert (CSE) Training Courses »Company Information: EPTAC is an internationally recognized solder training and IPC certification corporation, giving professionals the skills to accelerate their careers, and businesses the talent to succeed. Manchester, New Hampshire...
To inquire about the IPC-A-610 Specialist (CIS) Re-Certification Training Course visit Eptac at: This 3 day lecture course is for anyone needing to renew their existing IPC-A-610 Specialist Certification. Attendees will review the IPC...
The IPC-A-610 certification is an essential requirement in the medical, aerospace, and military manufacturing industries. Enhancing the quality and efficiency of your electronics assembly process, while also meeting industry standards, is attainable through IPC training. ...
IPC-A-610 Training and Certification
Contact us now to discuss your training requirements! For any extra information, just ask us. We will do our very best to accommodate your needs. Submit Your Message Latest News Impact C.T.S @impactctsFeb 21 Employees of@STGAerospacecomplete@IPCassociationA-610 CIS certification
For use only in IPC Training Programs leading to Official IPC Certification IPC-A-610D IP“电子组件可接受性标准” 授证的IPC培训员CIT 培训认证课程 第2节: 前言、适用文件 操作 本节概要 范围 目的 特殊设计 术语和定义 图例与插图 检查方法 尺寸的界定 放大装置和照明 适用文件 IPC文件 电子组件的操作...
Omni Training is celebrating its 42nd year as a pioneer in solder training and solder certification services, and is one of the most respected IPC Certification centers in the industry
Microsolder as a Licensed IPC Training and Certification Center Microsolder one of the more than 120 licensed IPC training centers in the world. We have master trainers (MIT) to trainIPC-A-610, A-620, and7711/7721trainers (CIT) for our customers. Training centers provide the level 1 suppor...
Blackfox offers IPC Certification and Custom Training Systems for manufacturing companies worldwide. Contact us now for your industry training needs.
1、IPC-A-610F“电子组件的可接受性电子组件的可接受性”第第4模块模块:焊接焊接IPC认证专员(认证专员(CIS)培训认证课程培训认证课程 2014, IPC, Bannockburn, IL All rights reserved. For use only in IPC Training Programs leading to Official IPC Certification M4-2模块概述模块概述 焊接可接受性要求 焊接...