详细了解更多有关“全球评估”的内容,和“决策者摘要”的联合国多语种版本,以及各章的草案之英文版,请点击:https://www.ipbes.net/global-assessment-report-biodiversity-ecosystem-services 获取完整“决策者摘要”(SPM)中文版,请点击:https://www.ipbes.net/system/tdf/ipbes_7_10_add.1_zh_0.pdf?fil...
1)分享提名呼吁:请各国政府和相关组织及机构向任何可能有兴趣为第二次全球评估做出贡献的合格专家传播这一呼吁。2)填写申请表(专家/从业人员):请感兴趣的专家和从业人员通过专用门户网站 https://www.ipbes.net/second-global-assessment/experts-application 填写申请表并附上简历(要访问该页面,您需要使用 IPB...
详细阅读“全球评估”SPM请戳链接: https://www.ipbes.net/news/ipbes-global-assessment-summary-policymakers-pdf 了解更多此次#IPBES7巴黎大会、“全球评估”和生物多样性保护相关消息,欢迎持续关注中国绿发会各媒体平台。 文/牛静美 审/Emilie 编Angel 推荐阅读 IPBES报告关键数据:25年损失2.9亿公顷原始森林|8.21...
IPBES, 2019. Summary for policymakers of the global assessment report on biodiversity and ecosystem services of the Intergovernmental Science㏄olicy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem ServicesNo abstract is available for this item.doi:10.1111/padr.12283John Bongaarts...
The Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) held its 7th plenary session in Paris (France) during May 2019. The plenary marks the end of the first work programme and the release of the global assessment of biodiversity and ecosystem services. The im...
图源:IPBES #GlobalAssessment 此前,中国绿发会多次参与IPBES外来入侵物种评估报告的相关工作。2020年7月24日,全球生物多样性与生态系统服务政府间科学与政策平台(IPBES)发起外来入侵物种首次外部审查(First External Review of the IPBES assessment of invasive alien species)。该审查为期7周。经过长达一个月的...
据悉,这是首份政府间报告,评估内容全面,引起国际生物多样性保护相关组织和公约高度关注。报告发布当天,联合国《濒危野生动植物种国际贸易公约》(CITES)官网发表了一篇题为《IPBES全球评估报告揭示生物多样性危机》(Major new global assessment describes biodiversity in crisis)的文章,现将此文摘译如下,以飨读者...
IPBES will focus on supranational (subregional, regional or continental) to global geographical scales for assessment. However, the properties and relationships that occur at these coarser spatial scales will, in part, be linked to properties and relationships acting at finer scales, such as national...
The Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) held its 7th plenary session in Paris (France) during May 2019. The plenary marks the end of the first work programme and the release of the global assessment of biodiversity and ecosystem services. The im...
根据第一段One million species (物种) face the risk of dying out,more than ever before in human history,according to a UN report released in May.And humans should be responsible.(根据联合国5月发布的一份报告,有100万个物种面临灭绝的风险,比人类历史上任何时候都多。人类应该为此...