In November 2025, powerhouses of the APAC region’s intellectual property industry will gather in Tokyo. The biggest movers and shakers in driving value from patents will be present for three amplified days of cutting-edge content and impactful networking. Representing the continent of Asia and the...
2024年11月19日至21日,国际知名知识产权媒体IAM在日本东京成功举办了IPBC亚洲大会(IPBC Asia),本次会议汇集了全球知识产权领域的精英,共同探讨行业前沿话题与未来发展趋势。 作为本次会议的gold sponsor,柳沈律师事务所由所长陶凤波及合伙人岳雪兰、王佳栋作为代表深度参与了会议,展现了其在知识产权领域的深厚实力与专业...
2023年11月28-30日,国际知名知识产权媒体IAM在日本东京成功举办了IPBC亚洲大会(IPBC Asia),来自亚太地区的500多名知识产权行业领导者和决策者来到了会议现场。作为IPBC的合作伙伴,柳沈律师事务在会场设立展位的同时,合伙人邱军律师在以“The rise of trade secrets”为主题的圆桌讨论环节中担任发言嘉宾。 柳沈合伙人邱...
12月16日-腾讯动态-腾讯IPBC Asia获三项大奖等15条一句话简讯 5003:14 12月16日-体育简讯-世界羽联中国四单项晋级四强等15条一句话简讯 5002:52 12月16日-电影简讯-《一条狗的回家路》发布“心之所向”版预告等15条一句话简讯 10503:23 12月16日-二次元简讯-《灵能百分百II》PV第二弹等15条一句话简讯 55...
俞伯璋律師、張海音小姐赴東京參加IPBC ASIA年會 2015年11月8日~2015年11月15日,本所俞伯璋律師、張海音小姐赴東京參加IPBC ASIA年會。
Mark your calendars for next year’s event, as we look forward to bringing together even more thought leaders and industry pioneers in June 2025 at the Boston Park Plaza. The next IAM Flagship event,IPBC Asia 2024, will be returning 19-21 November 2024 at the Palace Hotel, Tokyo....
Accelerated Breeding and Delivering Plantain and Cooking (Matooke and Mchare) Banana Hybrids for Africa and Contributions from Asia Prof. Dr. Paul Arens Wageningen University and Research, Netherlands Developments within Genetics and Genomics of Ornamental Plants: Breeding in Ornamentals is Coming of Ag...
IPBC Asia 2017 | Takao Saito, Panasonic 上传者:GlobeBMG 01:12 IPBC Asia 2017|Tatsuo Nakamura, Valuenex 上传者:GlobeBMG 01:27 IPBC Asia 2017 | Mingyan Sun, Midea 上传者:GlobeBMG 01:35 IPBC Asia 2017 | Arshad Jamil, Biocon 上传者:GlobeBMG ...
Europe and Asia. Among the numerous awards and honors the company has received for its innovative work, Fractus was named a 2005 Davos World Economic Forum Technology Pioneer and one of Red Herring’s top innovative companies for 2006. It also won the 2004 Frost & Sullivan Award for technologi...
, South America, Eastern Europe, Southeast Asia, Africa, Oceania, Mid East, Eastern Asia, Western EuropeSouth America, Southeast Asia, Oceania, Mid East, Eastern Asia-South America, Southeast Asia, Oceania, Mid East, Eastern AsiaSouth America, Southeast Asia, Oceania, Mid East, Easter...