Itunes on my mac (2019) does not recognize the ipad 4 years ago 385 2 old ios system itunes won't recognize news ipad my previous ipad has 10 ios and i can't get the itunes torecognize my new ipad air 2020,,, i rebooted i made sure it was authorized to pc, i updated my ...
Apple doesn't have to pay... they actually report their numbers! We wouldn't need "analysts" if companies weren't so secretive. I never understood that anyway. You've got a company who sells products... but they won't say how many product they sell. Reply 18 of 35 mr o Posts...
Why does it list Linux as a platform, but won't install because it's "not supported on this platform"? Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote Creator Skyrise - Oct 10 2013 - 31 comments Hi, Linux version is coming! It needs some more works. ;) Reply Good karma+1 vote IronAr...