Thomas O'Malley, Tim Long, and their associates said that an iPad with an OLED display does not appear to be in the works for 2021. In a new research note, shared with MacRumors, the analysts said a launch is unlikely until 2022 at the earliest. ...
Apple plans to release a 10.8-inch iPad with an OLED display next year, followed by the company's second iPad with an OLED display in 2023, according to a new report from The Elec. The Elec, which has a mixed track record on reporting on Apple's plans, claims that the iP...
“这可能是因为11.1英寸型号的面板存在轻微漏光问题,导致三星显示器(SDC)的良品率较低;而LG Display(LGD)是12.9英寸型号的独家供应商,并且还为11.1英寸型号提供了部分供应。因此,LGD预计将在2月至5月的OLED iPad出货量中占65%。”苹果之外,华为、三星等头部厂商也纷纷加快中尺寸产品向OLED路线切换,这...
A change to OLED for the higher-end models has been churning in the rumor mill for some time; in 2021, a report said that the iPad Air would get an OLED display by 2022, and then another report said that the release would be delayed until 2023. Apple hasn’t released any new iPads...
Duet Display - Ex-Apple Engineers Turn Your iPad Into An Extra DisplayDuet lets you use your iPad or iPhone as an external monitor. With Zero Lag.www.duetdisplay.com去看看很喜欢Duet主页上的这句话,空间确实是一件很美好的事。特别是当你需要打开数个窗口的时候,能够在屏幕上大喇喇地一字铺开,...
iPad Mini with Retina Display拥有超过310万像素的Retina显示屏。其分辨率达到了2048 x 1536像素,是上一代iPad mini的4倍。当像素密集程度高时,用户的肉眼已难以辨识单个像素。 将众多新功能融入iPad mini之中。它集Retina显示屏、A7芯片、先进的无线网络技术与更多重量级性能于一身。它薄至仅7.5毫米,轻达331克。
然而,OLED技术并非没有缺点。其亮度相对较低,且长时间显示同一内容容易导致“烧屏”现象。不过,苹果在2017年推出iPhone X时就已成功解决了这些问题,展现了其在OLED技术应用方面的深厚实力。如今,苹果将这一先进技术应用于iPad Pro,无疑将进一步提升其产品的竞争力。据Display Supply Chain Consultants(DSCC)的...
The Apple supply chain will likely keep using the wet etching process for iPhone and Apple Watch. It's a cheaper solution that produces a display still lighter than an LED screen with a higher quality, at a relatively low price. Dry etching is better products with large OLED displays. ...
根据韩媒报道,LG Display正在为苹果研发一种新型OLED面板,名为“RDE”,预计将会应用于苹果未来的iPad产品线中。这款新型面板有望在明年发布的OLED iPad Pro机型上亮相。目前,LG Display正在开发层叠两层发光层的两层串联结构的OLED材料,并将其应用于汽车和IT产品领域。此外,该公司还计划研发出更先进的“RDG”...
三星Display、LG Display将分别独家供应苹果首批iPad 11英寸/13英寸OLED面板 格隆汇2月27日|消息人士称,三星Display将成为苹果首批11英寸iPad OLED面板独家供应商;LG Display将是苹果首批13英寸iPad OLED面板的独家供应商。由于这些是针对最初批次,苹果可能会更换后续批次供应商。