了解如何在 iPhone、iPad 或 iPod touch 上查找序列号、EID、IMEI/MEID、CDN 和 ICCID。 开始之前 你可以在多个地方找到这些编号,包括在“设置”中、在实体设备上、在“访达”或 iTunes 中,以及在原始包装上。 当你联系 Apple 获取支持时,你可以使用序列号、EID 或 IMEI/MEID 编号来识别你的设备。
了解如何查找 iPhone、iPad、iPod、HomePod、Mac 或其他 Apple 产品的序列号。 先检查此处 根据具体产品,你可以通过下列一种或多种方式找到序列号: 检查产品表面有没有印刻的序列号。 在Mac 上,选取苹果菜单 >“关于本机”。 在iPhone、iPad、iPod touch、Apple Vision Pro 或 Apple Watch 上,前往“设置”>“通...
Apple Mac OS X每日一技巧029:查询iPhone/iPad的序列号(Serial Number)和标识符(UDID/Identifier) 1.序列号比较好查,不用连电脑也可以,打开iOS设备的设置->通用->关于本机 里边就有 2.通过电脑查看的话可以打开iTunes,插上iOS设备,该设备的摘要里边有序列号,点击一下这一行就变成了标识符(UDID),Apple总是有...
1.序列号比较好查,不用连电脑也可以,打开iOS设备的设置->通用->关于本机 里边就有 2.通过电脑查看的话可以打开iTunes,插上iOS设备,该设备的摘要里边有序列号,点击一下这一行就变成了标识符(UDID),Apple总是有些这些变态的查看方法。这个地方没法复制,序列号还好,UDID会抄死人的。 3.如果安装了XCode,可以看W...
Get Apple iPad 4th Gen (2020) support for the topic: Find IMEI & Serial Number. Find more step-by-step device tutorials on att.com.
How to find your iPhone IMEI number Find the serial numbers for your Apple TV and Siri Remote Find the model and serial numbers of your AirPods Find the serial number of an AirTag Find your HomePod serial number and software versionTags Apple Pencil Apple Watch AppleCare How to iPad iPhone ...
Get Apple iPad mini 6th Gen (2021) support for the topic: Find IMEI, Serial Number & EID. Find more step-by-step device tutorials on att.com.
Version: 3 (0x 2 )
Serial Number: 1 (0x1)
Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
Issuer: C=JP, O=JPKI, OU=Prefectural Association For JPKI, OU=BridgeCA
Trust: Always
Update to the latest version of iTunes – Apple Support Use of a PC or Mac is unavoidable. If you don’t have access to a suitable computer of your own, that of a helpful friend or family member will suffice. Alternatively, the technicians at the Genius Bar of your local Apple Store ...
iPad serial number Trying to request trade in value but am told serial number on my old iPad is invalid 3 years ago 401 1 Wrong Serial Number I typed in my serial number it said invalid serial number. I need help please, I want to get the latest iPhone. Thanks so much!! 3 yea...