包装正面,一如继往的苹果简约风格,分别是LOGO 文件名“USB-C to SD Card Reader” 和产品的正面外观。 背面,用多国语言印着产品名称,这说明这一包装是通用的,做了一个USB-C的接口和一个插卡的插口的产品图片,然后做了一个笔记本和平板电脑的示意图,说明可以兼容PC和平板电脑。背面的指示性非常明确,没有多余的...
When your iPhone SD card reader is not working, you also need to check if picture files are in the correct folder or not. You can't select picture files into an SD card and then plug that SD card into the lightning card. Thus, the picture must be in the sub-directory or a DCIM f...
多功能sd读卡器type-c三合一otg内存卡相机适用苹果手机tf读卡器 深圳市宝安区深弘通电子经营部8年 回头率:18.1% 广东 深圳市宝安区 ¥13.00成交379只 适用苹果手机读卡器车载相机CF内存卡储存器读卡器多合一TF单反SD 深圳凯电电子商务有限公司5年 回头率:18.9% ...
3 in 1 Card Slot: This SD card reader supports SD, Micro SD, and CF cards, and fit for iPhone 15, iPad, Mac, Android phones, and laptops. Our micro sd card reader allows for easy downloading of photos and videos directly from SD cards to your phone, as well as sharing videos and...
配合ipad配件Lightning to SD Card Reader(RMB228 HK238)可以实现ipad外接SD卡然后用此神器读取SD卡的内容 比如照片音乐电影相当于扩容了哦!乞丐版的福音~~~当然X宝上也有山寨配件 20几元 可插SD卡U盘 用的爽歪歪~~~ 比阿富汗还富 享受mini 12 没人吗??? 永远的万大仙 开机激活 7 有 比阿富汗还富 ...
I have same issue new my iPad Pro updated to 18.1.1 IOS and now I can’t download any photos from card reader yet my iPad Pro on 17.1.1 recognises the sd card reader. Apple you need to fix this as we can’t use our devices for the purpose we bought them for. None of the work...
Get the perfect SD Card Reader for Devices 14, 13, 12, 11 XS, XR, X, 8, 7 with dual card slots and lightning adapter!
适用于苹果SD/TF读卡器华为type-c二合一相机OTG内存卡转换器 深圳市普霏赛能科技有限公司 9年 回头率: 24.2% 广东 深圳市宝安区 ¥33.00 成交12只 读卡器 适用苹果Type c安卓手机电脑相机记录仪多功能Card reader 深圳市凯名威电子科技有限公司 1年 回头率: 17.9% 广东 深圳市 ¥...
SD card reader IPad Pro not working Anyone get their IPad Pro to read an SD card? 2 years ago 1307 3 My iPad Air 3gen will not respond to apple sd reader however iPhone 11 can what am I doing wrong? How do I get my iPad Air 3gen to read apple SD card reader will work wit...
【出色的兼容性】支持SD / SDHC / SDXC / TF / Micro SD / Micro SDXC / Micro SDHC等多种卡。它不仅仅是数据传输。它还可以用作卡适配器,允许您将存储卡与具有不同卡插槽的设备一起使用。无论是传输文件、查看照片还是扩展存储空间,这款读卡器都能满足您所有的存储卡需求。兼容各种行车记录仪、跟踪记录仪...