because the former category usually sees just incremental internal upgrades (aka the “spec bump”) year on year, as opposed to smartphones, which in addition to the processor upgrade, usually sees a new design and camera tech too. So when I unboxed Apple's newiPad Pro 2021alongside the 20...
M1和A12X/Z在规格上唯一的区别,就是单核相比A14额外拉了0.2G,而不是和A12X/Z一样保持与A12一致。 A12X和M1 谈到A12X/Z,就不得不提X86>>ARM的想法在之前过于根深蒂固,以至于Apple在发布A12X时所说的“桌面级处理器”在当时收到了大量的怀疑与嘲讽。虽然Anadtech一直在用SPEC06跑分证明A系列的强悍,虽然...
iPad Pro 2021的M1芯片是“满规格”但是“低释放”的。Apple的M1芯片要服务iPad Pro,iMac,以及MacBoo...
詹豆包额 1853粉丝 关注 776观看 --弹幕 2021-05-19 BV1DA411G7mh 原标题:iPad Pro M1 Review- The Ultimate Spec Bump! 詹豆包额 776观看 9 3 5.8万 15 7:07 M1 iPad Pro购买者指南:为什么你应该买11英寸的?(如何选择你的iPad Pro存储) 3.8万 6 10:02 别买2021款iPad Pro ...
There are two MacBook Pro M1 Max and iPad Pro M1, and the symptoms are the same. Thank you for reading the long article. :-) --- iPad Pro Spec (M1) Thunderbolt 3(40Gb/s) USB 4(40Gb/s) USB 3.1 2(10Gb/s) --- MacBook M1 Pro Max 16 inch Thunderbolt 4(40Gb/s) USB 4(40...
探讨iPad Pro的持久使用性,主要源于两方面考虑。首先,Apple Silicon M系列处理器,特别是M1和M4,性能强大且领先,即使放在当下依然无敌,能够轻松击败轻薄本,包括自家的MacBook Air。其中,M4更是在性能上达到恐怖级别,单核性能让桌面级处理器望尘莫及,多核性能更是近乎3倍于旗舰Android平板。SPEC ...
While notably spec and feature upgrades on paper, the Ultra Wide camera enables a new feature that Apple calls "Center Stage." Thanks to the TrueDepth camera's wide viewing angle, the iPad Pro can now use machine learning to automatically detect people in the frame, and pan and zoom...
即便是SPEC 2017测试,M4大核心整数性能也显著提升,浮点性能也有相当的增强。其次,iPad Pro本身价格较高,因此用户自然会期望能延长使用年限,以摊平成本。然而,使用时间的预测可能让你失望,常规使用情况下,iPad Pro大约能维持五年左右的高水平体验,如果使用习惯较为温和,甚至能使用十年,直至产品自然...
The iPad Pro's most notable new spec — besides its razor-thin dimension — is its new OLED screen. It uses Apple's new Tandem OLED technology for incredibly high fullscreen brightness, and it looks stunning based on the photos and videos I've seen so far. This is yet another feature ...
M1 iPad Pro 1TB (11 or 12.9inch) is probably the best balance of spec and value for money iPad Pro right now (among all the iPad Pros and Airs). It will probably get majority of updates that M2 and M4 iPPs will get. Reply 1 of 3 D David HCY 23 Jun 2024 The Surface Pro is...