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适用于iPad mini的非常好的键盘 罗技Ultrathin超薄键盘iPad mini版 售价80美元(约合492元人民币) 我们推荐的适用于三类iPad的非常好的键盘中都有罗技,是因为罗技的键盘确实非常适合打字。其实iPad mini的尺寸并不适合打字,但是罗技的这款蓝牙键盘有足够的按键间距和键程,其黑色或白色的铝合金外壳也和iPad mini相得益彰。
Brand: ZAGG Type: Keyboard folio/case Compatible Model: For Apple iPad mini (5th generation) Compatible screen size: 7.9 in Color: Black Material: Rigid plastic Compatible brand: For apple info: We aim to show you accurate product information.Manufacturers, suppliers and others...
ZAGG的这款旗舰产品,是我们此次为大家挑选的唯一一款带背光功能的键盘。它的外观和手感都很像笔记本电脑键盘,有黑白两色供用户选择,背光的颜色和亮度也有多种选项。此外,它还能通过内置的合叶小幅度改变倾角。 这款键盘号称充电一次可以使用大约六个月,有休眠唤醒功能并有多个专为iPad Air设计的功能键,皮革质感的护套...
This is the thinnest keyboard/case option for the iPad mini. ZAGGkeys Cover hinge -- Image credit: James Kendrick/ZDNet The hinge design can accept inserting either side of the iPad mini, so you have a choice of having the Home button on either the left or right. Note: while the ...
The thin iPad Air is so fast it calls out for a good keyboard for heavy use. This folio case fits it just right.
一、适用于iPad Air的最佳键盘 罗技Fabric Skin Folio Keyboard键盘——售价150美元(约合923元人民币)这款全尺寸键盘比罗技之前推出的键盘保护套更加轻薄,合起来的时候可以保护iPad正反两面免遭液体泼溅,有横向和纵向两种固定方式,和大多数主流保护套一样有自动休眠唤醒功能,充满一次电可以...
ZAGG ZAGGkeys Profolio Keyboard/Cover Case (Folio) Apple iPad 2, iPad (3rd Generation), iPad (4th Generation) Tablet, Black Add $56.50 current price $56.50 ZAGG ZAGGkeys Profolio Keyboard/Cover Case (Folio) Apple iPad 2, iPad (3rd Generation), iPad (4th Generation) Tablet, Black ...
I can’t imagine NOT having a Zagg Rugged Book for my iPad. I take my iPad everywhere, and with the Rugged Book my iPad is not only protected, but more functional (for me) with the lighted keyboard. With daily use, I have had a Rugged Book last tw...